Chapter 4

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It was soon dinner time, Josh got out of the pool first and went to cook dinner, then everyone else. Jennifer went with her daughters to help them shower and get changed, and then she changed too.

They ate and the girls went to bed early, exhausted from all the playing. After a while, Jennifer excused herself from the boys, saying that she too was tired.

After she was gone, Sam spoke. "I haven't seen Jennifer smile like that since we came here".

"yeah, she had fun today. And that's thank to you, Jake".

Jake smiled at his twin. "you two also are responsible for that. I heard her laughing at your jokes and games with the girls".

"If I were you, I would go to her", Sam said looking at his older brother.

"I was just thinking the same thing". Jake stood up from the chair. "wish me good luck".

"I don't think you need that, she is clearly into you". then Josh turned to Sam. "do you wanna watch a movie?"

Jake took the stairs and knocked on Jennifer's door.

"come in!". Jake opened the door and closed it right after. "hey"

Jennifer was sitting at her desk, her computer opened in front of her. "hey. I actually needed to talk to you"

She stood up and leaned on the desk, facing him.

"about what?". Now Jake was showing her his perfect sexy smile. With his cheeks red for all the sun caught during the day and hair a bit messy, she thought he was absolutely stunning.

"I wanted to thank you. I had so much fun today, and it wouldn't have happened without you three, especially without you".

"especially without me?", Jake repeated smiling, getting closer and sitting on her bed.

"yeah. You dragged me to the pool, helped me stay there. You have this power on me, I don't know".

"a power? More like you want me, don't you?". Jake stood up, fixing his eyes in hers.

Jennifer blushed. "we've talked about this. I don't think it's a good idea for me to want you".

"and why do you think that? I'm just trying to understand".

Jennifer tugged a piece of hair behind her ear. "well, first of all, I'm more than ten years older than you.."

"I don't care".

"... and I have Molly and Sarah...".

"I don't care about it either. You know I like them and that they like me".

"... my ex husband and the divorce...".

"I don't care if you were married before, and if you married an asshole. Don't think about that, think about the present".

At each 'I don't care' he said, Jake made a step closer to her, and he was now so close she could feel his breath on her face.

Once again, Jennifer got lost in his eyes, an overwhelming sensation spreading from her stomach to every inch of her body.

She wasn't wearing her collar, and Jake brought one of his hands to her neck, the other one to her cheek.

"Jake, today had been amazing, but..". She tried to resist, but he started placing kisses down her jawline. Then he stopped and looked again at her.

"you drive me crazy". That was the last thing she said before kissing him, passionately and gently at the same time.

Jake wrapped his hands around her body, making the two of them come closer, if it was even possible.

What She Needs //Jake KiszkaWhere stories live. Discover now