Chapter 5

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Days passed, Jake and Jennifer got used to the fact that Molly and Sarah knew about them. After long talks and dinners, Jake's parents learnt about their relationship. At first, they were both quite shocked. Then accepted everything. The little girls didn't call Jake 'dad', but they called his parents 'grandma and grandpa', with surprise from everyone.

Two months were almost over, Jake took Jennifer to the hospital to see if she could finally stop wearing the leg brace too. When they parked the car, he kissed her good luck.

What they didn't know was that exactly in front of them there was a car parked. Inside of the car there was a man who saw them. And that man happened to know Sebastian personally. He took a photo of them and sent it to him.

The kiss happened to work, Jennifer got out of the hospital without her brace. They got home and ate dinner. Everything went perfectly fine, until someone knocked on the door.

They were on the couch watching tv, Molly and Sarah still up with them. Josh stood up and walked to the door. "are we expecting someone?"

Jennifer looked at her clock. "actually no, but Susan said she wanted to come one of these days, it's gonna be her".

Josh didn't even look outside before opening, expecting it to be Susan. Instead, a big tall man was standing in the doorframe. He had his phone in his hand, a picture on it.

"dad! Why are you here?", Molly asked coming closer to him, Sarah just behind her.

He didn't even acknowledge his own daughters. Instead he shouted "JENNIFER!".

Sebastian looked around the room, trying to understand who were all the people he was seeing. He first looked at Josh, who was still hanging to the door, then he spotted Jennifer standing near the couch, two boys near her. He looked at them, then at his phone, then again at the Sam and Jake, trying to figure out which one of them was the boy the picture showed his ex wife kissing and walking with in the parking lot of the hospital.

Jake happened to be wearing the same shirt as when the pictures were taken. Sebastian's eyes grew wild.

"JENNIFER! IT'S HIM, ISN'T IT?" he said pointing at Jake.

Jennifer stepped in. "what are you talking about?". He showed her the pictures and then walked to Jake.

"are you fucking my ex wife?". Jake didn't even have time to reply, Sebastian punched him in the face right after.

"SEBASTIAN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?". Jennifer got down to help Jake who, caught by surprise, fell on the floor. Josh ran to the kitchen to grab some ice, Sarah started crying and Sam took her in his arms and brought Molly into the kitchen.

Jennifer looked at Sebastian. "let's get out of here!"

"yeah, lets get out! Let's have a talk! Perhaps you could tell my why three boys are living in the same house as my daughters and one of them is sleeping with you!"

"ENOUGH, SEBASTIAN!". And then she closed the door behind her, pushing him outside.


"why do you keep yelling? You made Sarah cry!"

"you have a boyfriend and I found out from a picture. And he is living with my girls".

"you don't have to know every single detail of my personal life!"

"Jennifer, come on! he is like what, sixteen? How are you supposed to pay living with the girls if you spend your time with a teenager? Does he even have a job?"

"he is 21, and yes, he has a part time job"

"TWENTYONE?! A part time job?! Is he still in college or something?"

What She Needs //Jake KiszkaWhere stories live. Discover now