Chapter 8

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Almost two years since the incident had passed, everyone knew about the two of them, and no one ever said something bad about the couple.

While Jake was in school the whole week, he spent every weekend together with his girls at Jennifer's place.

Molly and Sarah really remained shocked after that night when Sebastian punched Jake, and they got really close to him. Sometimes, when she was really tired or in particular situations, Sarah referred to Jake calling him 'dad', even though she said she wouldn't.

At first it was strange for both Jennifer and Jake, but then they got used to it. most of the time, the girls called him using his name, but Jake grew to love the sound of the word 'dad' coming from Sarah's mouth.

The four of them organized a little trip. It was also Jennifer birthday, so they combined the two things. Jake was packing his things in his room in campus, and he received a text from Jennifer that said she was waiting for him outside.

He was with his roommates and some friends, who were talking about a party that was taking place that evening.

"guys, I have to go. Jennifer is here".

"uhhhh! The mysterious Jennifer! Are we finally gonna meet her?", one of his friends said.

It had been almost two years, yet Jennifer never met any of Jake's friends from college. They knew he had a girlfriend and that she was older than him. But they didn't know how much older and that she had two daughters.

"if you want, she is here now", Jake answered. He learnt not to care about what people though seeing him walking around with Molly and Sarah, if someone even thought something. He was now 23, finally finished studying and ready to take things more seriously with Jennifer. He planned on moving in with her as soon as he could.

"okay guys! Let's go meet her!".

"she better be worth it, Jake. You are leaving us now and we just finished college. You are skipping the most amazing graduation party ever planned to be with her", Jake's roommate joked and the others laughed.

Jake got out of the building still talking with his friends. Then he saw Jennifer leaning on her red car. She smiled at him and he did the same.

"is she the blonde one with sunglasses?". Jake nodded walking towards Jennifer, who was sliding up her glasses to her hair.

"well, she is hot! Well done, Jakey!"

Then Jennifer opened the car's door and Molly and Sarah ran outside. A few students turned their head to see the two little girls running, others when Sarah started shouting "JAAAKEEEE" running towards him, who took her in his arms. He knew his friends were looking at him, a surprised smile at the sight of the little girl.

"Sarah, be quiet! Everyone is looking at us", Jake whispered pulling her closer to him.

She hugged him thigh and pulled back, immediately replaced by her sister.

Jennifer joined them, and Jake hugged her tight kissing her lips.

"are you gonna introduce me to your friends or not?", she asked.

Jake turned around to face his friends who were now staring at the beautiful woman he was talking to.

"Jennifer, these are Kevin, Robert, Matt and Nick. Guys, this is Jennifer".

They smiled at each other and then Jake introduced Molly and Sarah too.

After a few moments Kevin said, "well Jake, this was unexpected". He looked at the two girls and tried to choose the right words. "are they yours?"

Jennifer laughed at his face. "they are my daughters, I had them from a previous relationship. Jake's not their dad, but.."

Jake finished the sentence, "..I'm gonna be the one of the little guy inside of here".

He placed his hand on the little bump on Jennifer's stomach. It was barely visible under her dress, but clearly recognizable. She was pregnant.

They left Jake's friend's confused looks to walk to the car, getting in. Jake was driving and Jennifer sat on the passenger seat.

She looked at him, who was focusing on the road. She was so lucky to have him.

Jennifer's thoughts went back to the first time she saw him, their first kiss, when the girls found out about their relationship.

There was nothing else she could desire. Jake, her daughters, and now the new baby. Her job and Jake's one. She had everything she needed.

Jennifer caught Jake looking at her with the corner of his eye. He smiled.

And she found herself thinking again the same thing she had been thinking of for the past two years: she loved his smile.

Jake was now going to live full time with them, and she couldn't be happier. She brought a hand to her stomach, thinking about what was waiting for them, right there, around the corner.

At the end of the street, at the corner, Jake turned the car to the right, finally getting there.

This is the end of it, kind of short compared to everything else I wrote. Not my best work, but I wanted to share. Thank you for tuning in, see you next time I have a dream about Jake and a woman older than him 

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