Chapter 7

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Jake and Jennifer were talking on the phone one Monday night. He told her about his classes and some trouble he got in after losing the paper he was supposed to bring his teacher that day.

"I'd been looking for it all day. When I finally found it, I ran to her office and gave her. Thankfully, she was still there. Her office is super fancy, I've never seen something like that..".

"speaking of super fancy", Jennifer said after a while. "I've told you about Wednesday's dinner, right?"

Jake thought about that for a second. "yeah, I remember that. the one with the parents of Molly's class. Having second thoughts on going?"

Molly had a classmate, Julia, and her parents organized this fancy dinner at their house, inviting all kids and their parents. Jennifer got along with them all, but she felt unsure on going to their house. Apparently they were super rich and she felt like she didn't fit in. She only chose to go because Myriam and her wife Sheila, who were the ones she felt more comfortable with, asked her to come. And obviously because she didn't want Molly to miss one evening with her friends.

"no, actually. Everyone has been talking about that for a week now, it's kind of growing on me. But, you know Molly, she thinks you should come too".

"really?". Jake was surprised. He knew Molly liked him, but he never expected her to want him to a parent thing.

"yeah. She thinks you are super cool, and well, she wants to have two people there for her".

"aren't you enough? I mean, I've never met most of them.. I don't know Jen..". Jake really wanted to make Molly happy, but he was not sure about wanting to go there.

"I think the real reason is something else..", Jennifer began, making sure Molly was not able to hear her. "you know how kids are at that age. They keep making comparisons between their parents. I heard her talking with Lucas, and she said she felt judged by the other kids when she said she didn't wanna talk about her dad. Sebastian doesn't want to see them anymore, he never really said why, and she loves you so much, you know that. last night she explicitly told me she wants you there".

Jake thought about that for a moment. "am I allowed to come? I mean, I'm not a parent".

"I've talked to Julia's mother, she said you are very welcome. You met her that time you went pick up the girls from school, remember?"

"I honestly don't remember who she was, but I guess I can come if Molly really wants me there".

Jennifer smiled to the phone. "she'll be so happy!"

Jake chuckled. "what about Sarah? Are we bringing her too?"

"yeah, everyone is bringing their other kids as well, so she'll be in good company".

"okay, perfect. At what time do I need to be home? I have classes in the afternoon, but maybe I can skip one or two".

Wednesday came, Jake skipped his afternoon classes and went back home for lunch. Jennifer came home with the girls in the afternoon.

Molly and Sarah went to their room, Jennifer said she was starting to get ready, and Jake popped on the couch with a book in his hands.

After a while, he heard some steps coming down the stairs. Then Jennifer voice.

"Jake, I need your opinion", she said, the steps coming closer. "I bought this new dress, but I'm not sure I'm wearing it tonight. Do you think the blue one I already had is better?"

Jake looked up from his book and a breath got caught in his throat. Jennifer was standing there, as beautiful as ever. A black dress was fitting her in the most perfect way, tight in the right places, ending just above her knees. She was wearing high heals too, her legs going perfectly from the dress to the shoes.

What She Needs //Jake KiszkaWhere stories live. Discover now