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        I stayed up all night thinking about what to do with Jin tomorrow at school. I don’t want him to hurt Sungmin or any other girl in the near future after I’m done with him.

        “Namjoon, wake up,” I heard mom yell from downstairs. “It’s time for school.”

        I moan and roll over. It’s too early for this, but I have to go anyways. I push off my bed covers and get out from my bed to get ready.

        “Bye, mom.” I walked passed her and gave her a small kiss and rushed out the door.

        As I approached school, my mind wandered when should I plan Jin a visit. It’s too early to do it when I get there, so I decide at lunch because thats when everyone will be watching…

        I walk in and go to my locker and glance over to Sungmin, whose locker is a couple down from me. After I get all my stuff in my locker and stuff for first period, I walk up to Sungmin and lean against the locker next to hers.

        “Hey.” She smirks and shuts her locker.

        “Hey.” Sungmin replied and began to play with her hair. Cute.

        “You feeling any better today?” I asked hesitantly not to spark any unwanted flames.

        “Better, Jin said he will make it up to me this afternoon.” Sungmin smiles faintly, but I know she still feels some pain. All I could think is he won’t make it up to you after what I will do to him.

        “That’s great-” I got cut off by Rachel clinging to my arm and pulling on it.

        “Namjoonie!” She reaches up and kisses my cheek. I look to Sungmin who was looking away to avoid us. Man, it must hurt that bad for her. Sungmin looks back to us and sighs.

        “Sungmin.” Rachel nods. Sungmin rolls her eyes and mumbles bye. She walks away and part of me wants to go after her, but if I did I know Rachel will throw a fit.

        “Come on, let’s eat breakfast in the lunchroom.” Rachel drags me away.

        First and second period went by really slowly. I couldn’t help myself but to only look at the lifeless Sungmin sitting next to me, doodling away at her notebook, with her head propped up by her elbow on the desk.

        The lunch bell rang finally and I got up quickly and left the room. I have a job that needs to be done. I walk fast to my locker and throw every thing in and walk to find Jin.

        On my way through the hallway, I grab Sungmin by the wrist and pull her. She objects at first.

        “Namjoon let go of me!” I stopped and turned around and gave her a stern look and she said no more and followed me.

        I saw Jin at his locker and looked around to all the people that was around him. This is good.

        Jin looked over and waved at both of us and I stop at a reasonable distance.

        “Stay put.” I told Sungmin and she obeyed.

        I marched up to the smiling Jin.

        “Hey Namjoo-” I grabbed Jin by the collar and pushed his back up against the lockers. Jin’s body trembles in fear and students began to gather around us.

        “I would like an explanation on why you left Sungmin yesterday for another girl.” I glared and students around us all gasped in unison. Jin’s eyes search around to avoid looking at me. I slammed his body once more against the locker.

        “Answer me!” I yelled.

        “I-I have know idea what you're talking about.” Anger boiled up inside and I pulled back one fist ready to swing at Jin’s face.

        “Namjoon stop!” I heard Sungmin come through the crowd and I whipped my head around, stopping her in her tracks.

        “Stay out of it Sungmin.” I barked and I could see how terrified she became of me and took a couple of steps back. I then focus my attention back to Jin, giving him a hit to the face.

        “You know what exactly what I’m talking about,” I growled. “You just don’t go around and cheat on whoever you want too.” I heard Sungmin gasp and tears started running down her face. I guess she finally connected the dots.

        “I was right…” She mumbled to herself.

        Jin eyes began to panic and tried to escape my grip. I took another swing at him, my hand hit the locker as he slide down and punched me in the stomach. I stagger back and gripped my stomach.

        “Why you little-” I charge toward him, wrapping my arms around his waist and pushed him up against the locker, making a loud bang. We wrestled until I felt arms that belong to teachers, pulling me off of him, but I was still trying to get one more hit at him.

        I was dragged away and my math teacher had a tight grip on my arm.

        “Young man, you're in such big trouble.” I sigh, but it was worth it.

Sungmin’s POV

        The students retreated when the teachers came and pulled Namjoon off of Jin. Everyone mostly cleared out of the hallway, leaving me and Jin almost alone. At first I wanted to run away, but then again I need to do something first.

        I walked up to the boy who was sitting on the ground, wiping the blood from his nose with his sleeve. I crouch in front of him and he looks up at me with a smile.

        “I’m sorry.” Jin said. I smile slightly and take one hand and pushed back a strand of his fallen hair.

        “It's okay.” I said, help him up.

        “Really?” His face brightened up.

        “Really.” I smirked and took a step forward, placing both of my hands on his shoulders. He lends in forward, our faces inches apart. I could feel wandering eyes land on us and couldn’t help to smirk.

        “You know, when a girl finds out a guy cheats on her,” I whispered. “the girl should do something about it, not her best friend.”

        “What?” Jin was a taken back.

        I backed up a bit and kneed Jin with all my strength in a place where no man should be kneed. Students around us gasped and giggled as I walked away with my pride glowing and Jin falling to the floor in pain, crying out.

Namjoon’s POV

        I sat in the office in a leather chair, waiting patiently for the principle to finish the call with my parents.

        The principle walked out from his office and I stood up.

        “Since this is your first time, I’m going to let you slide on some things,” I took a small breath.

        “Go home today to calm yourself down, and for the next three days you will be in ISS, which is basically detention for the whole day.” He handled me a slip of paper that had my punishments. I thanked him and walked out to go face my parents at home. I do hope they won’t ground me and will understand…

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