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School the next day was about the same as everyday. Namjoon and I goofed off a lot like we used too and acted like none of our fights even existed. It was quite nice to be honest. Rachel wasn’t there today which was probably why it was so nice.

Namjoon said that she was running a fever and will be out for a few days which I’m secretly glad for because every time I would try to talk and hangout with Namjoon during break she would always take him away. I can only laugh though, the best part is that she gets even madder that she can’t change the fact that Namjoon and I have every class together.

“Wanna do something this afternoon?” Namjoon asked me in the last class of the day.

“Well Jin is going out to town this afternoon to attend a company board meeting with his grandparents, so I’m free today.” I said.

“Ew, that sound painfully terrible.” Namjoon scrunched up his nose.

“Yeah, he tried to bribe me to go with him,” I laughed. “I love him, but were not that far into love yet for me to attend to his boring meetings about prices and stocks.”


“So where are we going exactly?” I asked Namjoon as we got in his car.

“Let’s go do something fun and exciting.”

“There’s nothing really fun and exciting around here to do.”

“Eating is fun and exciting.” Namjoon suggested.

“Sounds good to me. I can eat anything right now.” Namjoon started the car and we were on our way.

We arrived at a small restaurant that seemed fairly crowded. I have ate here once or twice with mom and my siblings, but it has been quite a long time. Me and Namjoon got out of the car and went in. We were met at the door by a waitress who led us to our table.

“What can I get you two for drinks?” The waitress asked.

“Water.” I said.

“Same for me.” The waitress nodded and went to grab our drinks.

“So,” Namjoon straightened up and put his elbows on the table. “Let’s talk.” I roll my eyes and slump down in my seat, crossing my arms.

“About what.” Our drinks come to the table and I grabbed it to take a sip.

“About Jin.” Namjoon said. I choke on my water and slam it on the table, coughing repeatedly.

“What about him.” I raise my eyebrow and finally stop choking on my water.

“I don’t think he shows himself as what he really is.” He said.

“Twofaced.” I gave him a word to fit his definition.

“No, no, I mean well,” He began to struggle on what he was saying. “I just don’t trust him, that’s all.” I could only just smile at how he cares about me getting hurt. It made me get small butterflies in my stomach.

“Don’t worry Namjoon. You know well enough that I can take care of my myself just fine on my own.” We both laugh and he reaches over and ruffles my hair.

“That’s my tough girl Sungmin.”

Having time out with Namjoon made me refreshed on the inside. We ordered our food, ate heavily and talked for quite a long time. It was nice just to be with his normal self. And as I mean for normal self, when Rachel is around, I can just tell that his attitude and actions change. It’s like Rachel “controls” the things he is allowed to do or not.

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