DAY 2 - Earth and heavens, two halves of a whole

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Image at the beginning of the chapter: @didi_shipping on twitter

Image at the beginning of the chapter: @didi_shipping on twitter

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Prompt: Stargazing

The sky.

That expanse of beautiful azure blue on a clear, sunny day, and a blue so dark that it could merge with black when night overtook the gentle warmth of the sun.

No matter where anyone decided to go, this vast expanse stretched as far as the eye could see over their heads. It was impossible to escape it, just as it was impossible to stop the repetitive cycles of day and night.

This perpetual presence of the sky above every living being in every place, city, country, and continent meant that every organism that bothered to look up for a moment to observe this blue expanse would be admiring the same sky as every other organism doing the same.

This was the reality that Lumine was clinging to on this splendid night in the vicinity of Liyue Harbor. She had been searching for her brother for several weeks in this unknown land under the protection of the Geo Archon, but alas, there was still no sign of him, not even the slightest hint. She did her best to stay optimistic and keep her spirits up, but it was even harder for her when the night was as beautiful as this one, a dark blue showing even the faintest of stars.

Her memories always caught up with her when she thought about the stars, which is why she couldn't stay cooped up in her rented room at the inn when a night like this came along. Even if it only gave her pain, she wanted to continue the little tradition they had started with her brother. Since they had started to move from world to world, they had slept almost all the time under the stars, which had only made her more curious about those little celestial bodies of the past that were fighting to shine their light on them millions of years later even though they were already gone.

This night was no exception to the rule, that's why she had slipped out of the room without waking Paimon. Her feet had then guided her to the beach north of Liyue Harbor towards the Guili Plains, an open area without any surrounding light, which made it all the more possible to observe the stars.

Knowing full well that the Hilichurls and other enemies were already sound asleep at this late hour of the night, Lumine was able to focus all of her attention on the dark expanse speckled with an infinite number of flakes of light shining at varying levels of intensity.

As she walked along the shoreline, absorbing the comforting sound of the waves scraping against the fine sand, Lumine watched the stars in search of her constellation, Viatrix.

After finding one after another of the reference points she used to look for in order to easily identify her constellation, she finally found these six stars that were supposed to represent a woman with a sword.

But Lumine didn't dwell on them, looking for her brother's constellation, which was the exact symmetry of hers not far away. When her eyes fell on the reassuring pattern she imagined in her head from the placement of the stars, Lumine's heart tightened as much as it warmed.

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