DAY 4 - Inauguration of a new basin!

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Image at the beginning of the chapter: @KB_beary on twitter

Image at the beginning of the chapter: @KB_beary on twitter

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Prompt: Aquariums

"Hey, slow down Lumine! Where are you taking me like this?"

"It's a surprise!"

The blonde haired young woman was pulling Childe by the hand in the direction of an unknown destination. A one-on-one date was far from unusual between the two lovebirds, but that Lumine had a surpise for him was out of the ordinary. Childe's nature was to always want to know everything so he could plan his reactions accordingly, and he had tried many times to find out what she had planned for this day, but without success. So now that the day in question had arrived, he could only let Lumine pull him into the unknown.

Strangely enough, seeing her smile and gloat that she had managed to keep her secret until the end only made the young man happy. In spite of the fact that he hated to remain in the vagueness, he had to admit that his girlfriend had put a lot of efforts to succeed in keeping their destination secret. Consequently, instead of continuing to question her, he let himself be dragged in front of an imposing building that he knew well, and for good reason: he often went there with his family.

"The aquarium?!" he said in a voice filled with surprise.

"The real surprise is inside, follow me!"

Without losing her excitement, Lumine pulled him all the harder towards the doors of the building. Having planned their trip beforehand, Lumine was already in possession of the tickets that she only had to show to the security guard posted at the entrance in order to visit.

Once inside, they began their visit of the place, observing various species of fish of multiple sizes and whose colors were as varied as there are stars in the sky. Captivated by these marine animals for which Childe had a true passion, he stopped in front of each water container to observe even the most insignificant of living beings. All along, it seemed to him that Lumine was stamping with impatience, as if she was waiting with a barely hidden excitement to reach a certain place in the aquarium. Becoming more and more curious himself to find out what Lumine was impatient about, Childe pressed on, reaching the large tanks with the biggest animals in the building much faster than usual.

The shark and orca tanks, both equally large, used to keep each other company in this part of the aquarium. But this time, something had changed.

There were not two large tanks, but three.

The third tank, unknown to everyone when Childe had come with his little brother Teucer not even a month before, immediately piqued his curiosity.

Leaving the orca he used to admire for long minutes, detailing the fusion of black and white, like yin and yang, good and evil, united in a single entity to which he unconsciously related, he immediately headed for the new glass. Many spectators were gathered there, watching the water with eyes full of curiosity and admiration.

Making his way through the crowd to get as close as possible in order to have a clear view of the species living in these waters, Childe managed —not without difficulty— to arrive right in front of the glass, followed immediately by Lumine.

Scrutinizing every corner of this gigantic basin of which he could not see the bottom, an immeasurably long time seemed to elapse before finally something deigned to approach the glass at eye level. A long shape, resembling in color the sharks in the nearby tank, but it was clear that it was not in the least a member of this vast family with sharp teeth. The reason: the huge horn on the front of the animal's head.

Three individuals of considerable size, with an equally considerable horn, were swimming in the clear water that the pond offered as if it were their native habitat. As confirmed by the sign posted not far from where Childe was stationed, these animals belonged to the narwhal race.

Strangely enough, the young man had always had a particular attraction for these unicorns of the sea, which he had only observed through specialized reports. Since he was a child, he had always dreamed of seeing them in real life, and now his dream had become reality.

"How did you know?" he asked Lumine, who was also absorbed in the aquatic ballet of the narwhals.

"I saw the poster of the inauguration of the basin containing the narwhals, so I immediately planned tickets. So, do you like it?" she retorted by turning to him with a smile.

Ecstatic as much by the spectacle of the aquatic animals in front of him as by his girlfriend who had made him such a beautiful surprise, he passed an arm around the shoulders of the young woman to bring her closer to him, then deposited a kiss on her forehead in sign of gratitude.

"You couldn't have made me more beautiful surprise," he continued after having turned over towards the basin to observe during still a long moment these animals which he liked so much, in company of the person whom he liked the most in the world.

[861 words]

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