DAY 5 - A firework to reconcile

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Image at the beginning of the chapter: @akmr_knst_

Image at the beginning of the chapter: @akmr_knst_

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Prompt: Fireworks

Today marked three hundred years of the Liyuean legal system. In order to celebrate this date properly, the Liyue Qixing, in consultation with the legal advisor Yanfei, decided to organize a firework display. This event was eagerly awaited by all the residents, especially Lumine. They had decided to attend it with Childe, but of course she had to ruin it.

She knew that Childe was possessive and hated Kaeya, considering him a womanizer, but she didn't think that his presence while she was doing work for the Knights of Favonius was worth mentioning. But Childe had taken it very badly and had taken offence like a wild horse, cancelling their date with a raised voice. Since then, she hadn't seen him again. Deep down, Lumine thought his reaction was over the top, but Childe's absence from her side hurt more than his overreaction.

She was angry at him for losing his temper, but she knew she wasn't innocent of the problem. After all, she had —deliberately— not mentioned Kaeya's presence to Childe when she told him about her mission for the Knights. It was as if she had lied to him, and she knew that he hated that, especially since they had grown so close.

She wanted to see him again, to apologize and enjoy the fireworks with him, but that probably wasn't going to happen anytime soon. That was all that had animated Lumine since that morning as she sighed and looked out her bedroom window. Paimon had been around her several times, but she hadn't had the motivation to go out, only being absorbed by her remorse. But as the fireworks were about to begin after the sky had darkened considerably, the room Lumine was in suddenly began to oppress her. She needed to get out to change her mind, but walking around the shopping streets of Liyue was only going to remind her of her date that had fallen through.

Instead of wandering the streets alone like a lost soul, she grabbed her coat and headed for a place where she was sure to find no one during the fireworks: the beach.

Running through the crowds that had gathered in the streets of the harbor to watch the event, Lumine only caught her breath when she reached the place where she hoped to be alone. However, her wish was not granted as someone was sitting there, looking out at the horizon, which was becoming darker and darker as the sun was coming down.

The one person she thought she wouldn't see all day turned her head in her direction as the very first firework went off, illuminating the bay with beautiful red colors glowing against the pristine ocean surface.

The surprise could be seen in the eyes of the young man reflecting the fireworks, and was even more exacerbated by the multiple colors intertwining, projected by these small rockets causing shapes resembling gigantic flowers shining of thousand fires in the almost black night.

While she wanted to reconnect with him by throwing herself into a warm and intimate embrace, Childe's face dropped the surprise to wear a slightly pained expression as he turned his attention back to the fireworks over the dark ocean.

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