DAY 6 | 1/2 - The heavy burden of a princess

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Image at the beginning of the chapter: Memory #14 of Zelda botw

Image at the beginning of the chapter: Memory #14 of Zelda botw

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Prompt: Knight AU

~ ZELDA Breath of the Wild Alternate Universe ~

NB: I don't know about you, but the first time I played Genshin, I couldn't stop raving about the similarities with Zelda botw xD That's where the idea of this one shot (EDIT: which is a two shot now) came from ^^. Before letting you start, here are some precisions:

Zelda = Lumine (= princess) / Link = Childe (= knight, chosen of the Master Sword).

Knowledge of the Zelda botw universe is appreciated, but not imperative in my opinion. Slight spoiler of the memories. Anyway, I hope this will be understandable enough for the neophytes who will read this OS! Good reading!


Subtitle: Before the storm

"Princess! It's time! You must hurry to the throne room."

"I've already told my father several times that I don't need a knight," sighed Lumine, the seventeen-year-old princess of the kingdom.

"But Madam, if you don't appear before the king in time, he will be displeased..." insisted her maid who had been trying for ten minutes to convince her to go to the audience.

Letting out a last sigh, the princess finally stopped arguing. The point her second had made about her father the king's displeasure was the most convincing. On rare occasions her father would raise his voice, and each time she vowed never to do anything to anger him again, for one simple reason: he was terrifying.

Finally giving in, she stopped circling her vast, beautifully decorated room and went to where she was expected. The moment she stepped outside her chambers, two guards posted on either side of the door followed her every move. Since her mother and brother were gone, her father's priority was to protect his only daughter, the last hope of the entire kingdom. Lumine could understand this, but it didn't stop her from feeling oppressed with her every move.

Once the gigantic doors of the throne room were opened by guards who had been standing in line for a while waiting for the princess who had taken too long to come, Lumine rushed in to face her father and the person she was going to have to tolerate.

Inside, everything was as ornate, decorated and arranged with as much pomp and glory as a throne room required: marble columns joining a floor made of the same stone as lustrous as a rising star, gilding here and there, paintings representing the different kings who had succeeded each other, and above all an imposing throne on which the king sat.

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