II. "October"

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Beomgyu arrived at the hospital, same exact time as the day before. He didn't need to grab a chart, having been assigned to Taehyun's aid for the time being. The elder tugged on his sleeves as he breathed on his cold fingers, trying to warm them up. He was dressed in a black sweater, this one was hand knitted by his grandmother. He paired it with some distressed jeans and his tattered converse. He wasn't much of a stylist, but he liked his arrangement of sweaters he always wore during the fall.

"Taehyun, it's Beomgyu!" Beomgyu called from behind the door. "I'm coming in."

Beomgyu opened the door and was met with Taehyun watching out the window again, except this time there was shredded paper near his feet and the boy's cheeks were visibly stained with tears. Beomgyu filled with anger, who had hurt this precious soul enough to make him cry, and why did they just leave him here with no comfort.

"Taehyun, what happened? Why are you crying?" Beomgyu walked over to the younger, kneeling in front of him.

"Soobin Hyung is stupid. He's mean." Taehyun sniffled. "He told me he didn't trust you. He should trust you Hyung. You're nicer than he is."

Beomgyu chuckled to himself. He began picking up the shredded paper, noticing it was one of the drawings off Taehyun's wall. He placed the pieces on the table and tapped a finger under Taehyun's chin, making the younger look at him.

"Tell Hyung what really happened," Beomgyu spoke softly, "Please."

Taehyun looked at Beomgyu and sighed. "Soobin told me he doesn't want anyone else around me. He told me I could get sick. I told him you would never be that stupid. Soobin He just - He doesn't get it. I've never been good at making friends. And now that I finally have a friend besides him he decides to be a jerk." Taehyun huffed, wiping his eyes on his sweater sleeves.

His was a pink today. But not a bright pink, a softer, almost whitish color. It was very big on his tiny body. It covered his hands, and part of his thighs. But that didn't change the fact that he looked absolutely stunning in it.

"Hey, He's probably just looking out for you. It can't be easy for him to know that he only gets to see his bestfriend during visiting hours during the day, which only last for about two hours. I know that if Hueningkai was stuck here, and I wasn't volunteering, I'd be worried sick about him." Beomgyu responded, a small smile tugging at his lips.

"I ruined his picture." Taehyun cried. "I tore it up because I was mad."

"Hey, shh. It's alright Tae. I'll fix it. Hyung will fix it, okay?" Beomgyu whispered, getting up to retrieve tape from where the staff kept extra supplies in all the rooms. He returned to his spott across from Taehyun and began piecing together the picture. It wasn't perfect, but it was fixed and that's what mattered.

"Woah Hyung. Thank you," Taehyun gasped. He gently took the paper from Beomgyu's hands. Taehyun leaned over and brushed his soft lips against Beomgyu's cheek before he stood to hang up the now fixed drawings.

His kiss caught Beomgyu off guard and he felt his cheeks flush red. Beomgyu brought his finger tips to his cheek, gently touching the same place Taehyun's lips had been a mere moment ago.

Stop it Beomgyu, you've only just met.

"Gyu? Are you alright?" Taehyun looked at him puzzled, curious as to why the boy was sat there in silence, not moving. "You look pale."

The lack of honorifics didn't bother Beomgyu and he nodded. "I'm alright Tae. Just zoned out." He proceeded to stand up, helping Taehyun tape the paper to his wall. It looked out of place next to the beautiful art pieces.

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