VIII. "December"

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I recommend listening to 'fix you' by coldplay slowed & reverb while reading this chapter...

Beomgyu's mother rushed into the room, her heart shattering into a million pieces as she seen the disheveled body of her son laying on the hospital gurnery. His skin was covered in scrapes and bruises as shards of metal and broken glass lay embedded in his skin. His heart beat was weak and he was barely breathing.

"Beomgyu!" She cried out, running to his side. "What the hell happened to my son?!"

"Nurse Choi, we will inform you of everything that happened but you need to sit down. You may be a nurse but you can't operate on him. Not this time." Nurse Seokjin said, pulling her to a seat.

"Please. Tell me what happened!" She cried, tears staining her cheeks.

"There was a car accident. Beomgyu was caught in the middle of it. He was smashed between two cars. The ribs on the entire right side of his chest are broken. He's got a shattered ankle, broken collarbone, dislocated shoulder, multiple lacerations all over his body, and possible traumatic brain injury." Jungkook read off from the shared chart, examining every part of the young boy's body.

Beomgyu's mother listened in horror. She never imagined this would happen to her son. Her pride and joy. Her reason to be alive. This was something that only happened in the movies. Something so tragic and severe. As a surgeon she'd seen multiple injuries and accidents just like this, however this was different, this was her child.

"Oh my god. I have to check on Taehyun," She realized, remembering the other reason she'd been at the hospital that night.

"Nurse Choi, I can do it if you'd like," Nurse Jimin suggested.

"No, no," She replied. "I have to tell him what's happened."

She got up from her seat, walking down the hallway. She tore off her plastic gloves, tossing them to the side as she walked towards Taehyun's room. She knew she had to keep her calm, she knew Taehyun was just getting over his sickness and would be stressed out from the new medicines. Even if she was scared, doctors have to put on a brave face, be as strong as they can, and do their best to support their patients.

"Nurse Choi, what are doing here?" Taehyun asked as he looked up from the board game he and the other three boys had been playing.

"Something has happened," She began speaking. "It's about Beomgyu."

"Oh really? I thought he just left to go home." Taehyun said smiling.

"I don't think that's going to happen," She trailed off, trying to fight back her tears.

Taehyun noticed her attitude and he set down his game pieces. "Nurse Choi, what's going on?" He asks, walking over to her. Her hands were shaking and she was taking deep breathes to calm herself down. Taehyun noticed the blood on her hands and he stepped back.

"Where's that blood from?" He asked.

"Beomgyu he um...he well..."

"Mrs. Choi, just spit it out!" Hueningkai said, worried about her state of being.

"There's been an accident." She finally choked out. "Beomgyu was in an accident."

Taehyun dashed out of the room, heading straight for the trauma bay. The other boys were running behind him, telling him to slow down as he dodged doctors and nurses. He didn't care about anybody else, he didn't care if he had his mask or if he ran into another cystic fibrosis patient, he needed Beomgyu. He needed him to live. They'd come too far for this to be the end of their story. He had tears welling up in his eyes as he ran directly into the chest of Jungkook who was covered in bits of shrapnel and dried blood.

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