X. "Christmas."

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"Taehyun! Merry christmas!" Soobin exclaimed, their other friends walking behind as they carried presents for the brunette in their arms. Hueningkai had bundles of gifts stacked in his armsand he set them down gently. Taehyun was staring out the window, wrapped up in another one of Beomgyu's sweaters. This time is was red, a hand knitted one from Beomgyu's grandmother that smelt mildly sweet and musty. It was very big on him, falling off his shoulder as he sat in chair.

Snow was falling, covering everything in a glistening pillow that looked like it was heaven to play in. Taehyun's eyes had glassed over with tears as he looked down at the spot in the garden where he and Beomgyu would lay all the time. It had been ten days since the car accident, ten days since he last heard Beomgyu's voice, and he'd visited him everyday for the past five days. Each day, the doctors told him the same thing.

"There's been no changes."


"He's stable. That's what matters."


"Prepare yourself to say goodbye tonight."

The last one had been said to Taehyun nearly twenty minutes before his friends had arrived. Jungkook was chosen as the nurse to break the news, and when he held Taehyun in his arms as he sobbed, he knew he had to do everything he could to save Beomgyu's life. He wasn't going to let him die, not when so many people need him. Granted, there's only so much a doctor can do but he had to try his best.

"I got told we need to prepare to say goodbye tonight..." Taehyun spoke softly. "That means he's getting worse. He's getting worse and I can't do anything about it. I can't do anything to stop it. I can't do anything to fix him. I am going to lose him.."

Soobin pulled his bestfriend in for a tight hug, holding him while the young boy cried against his shoulder. Yeonjun held Hueningkai in his arms as he cried too, the thought of losing his lifelong friend tore him up. This was a scary time, the unknown. The feeling of knowing you had to say goodbye, but you didn't know when. Beomgyu's mother had taken a leave of absence from work, spending all her time at home with Beomgyu's father. He'd returned home after receiving the news from his wife that their son might die.

"We should go say goodbye..." Yeonjun sobbed.

"I can't believe we're going to lose him..." Soobin cried.

"Let's just go," Taehyun sighed. "Before it's too late."

The four teenage boys walked in silence towards Beomgyu's room, all of them holding hands. They stood outside of his door for a moment, all taking a deep breathe to prepare themselves for what lay ahead of them in the coming hours. Soobin opened the door and walked inside first. Beomgyu had no more sitches, just some scaring. His bruises were almost completely faded and he wore a boot on his ankle instead of a cast.

"Gyu, it's christmas." Taehyun said softly. "Your second favorite holiday. It's snowing too, you'd love it. You'd probably drag me outside to play in it. Beomgyu, it's been ten days. I think it's time you wake up and come back to us."

"Taehyun is correct, I know we didn't get off on the right foot, but please come back to us." Soobin spoke in a very gentle voice. "Please Beomgyu."

Taehyun walked up to where Beomgyu's head lay against the pillow and cupped his cheek gently. The skin was soft, fragile, and so cold. His lips were pale, the dark circles from dehydration evident underneath his eyes. Beomgyu's breathing was slow and soft, barely audible. Taehyun pressed his forehead against Beomgyu's, his tears landing on Beomgyu's cheeks as he cried silently.

"I love you Choi Beomgyu..." Taehyun whispered. "Merry christmas my love."

The younger of the pair leaned down, pressing a soft and gentle kiss to Beomgyu's lips. It was weird, kissing the lips of someone who was in a deep, calm, slumber. But Taehyun didn't mind, it brought him comfort, and he wondered why he hadn't kissed Beomgyu sooner.

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