IV. "November"

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Beomgyu stood outside of Taehyun's room, Hueningkai and Yeonjun stood behind him. He wanted his friends to meet the boy who was slowly capturing his heart. The boy was he becoming attached too, who he would risk it all for. He hesitated for a moment, gently resting his fingertips on the doorknob. He didn't know if he could do this, witness Taehyun hooked up that machine like he had everyday for the past week.

"Hyung, are you alright?" Hueningkai asks, resting his hand on his shoulder. "We don't have to do this, we can wait for another time."

"No, no. I want you to meet him. The only voices he's heard for the last three weeks are mine and Soobin's. Maybe if he hears something new, he'll start to wake up. He's always been curious and excited to meet new people," Beomgyu replied, half smiling.

"Unlike someone we know," Yeonjun joked, earning a slap to the arm from Hueningkai.

Beomgyu took a deep breathe and opened the door, Soobin was there sketching in his paper pad as he hummed softly. He looked up from his drawing and stood, bowing at the two unfamiliar faces. They returned the bow, offering a small 'hello' before following Beomgyu to his area of the room.

"He's beautiful, you didn't lie about that," Yeonjun said softly, looking at the sleeping boy on the bed.

"He's an angel," Beomgyu complimented. "He's a sleeping angel."

Taehyun's heart rate picked up a little and his fingers twitched in response to those words. Beomgyu noticed this and made his way over to the bed, softly grasping Taehyun's hand, being careful not to hold too tightly.

"Do you like that name Taehyun?" Beomgyu asked. "When I call you angel?"

Taehyun's fingers moved again, his index finger wrapping around Beomgyu's in response. Beomgyu smiled softly. He kept whispered the word angel, with each time his said it the boy's grip would tighten, eventually holding onto Beomgyu's hand firmly.

Hueningkai, Yeonjun, and Soobin all audibly gasped and Beomgyu looked up from their intertwined hands. He watched in silence as Taehyun's eyes fluttered open, he was probably so confused. So puzzled and distraught by the tube in his throat. Soobin ran from the room to get Beomgyu's mother and a few nurses and Hueningkai gripped Yeonjun's hand, standing in the corner of the room farther away, giving them space.

Beomgyu's mother rushed in, pushing her son out of the way as they quickly removed the tube from Taehyun's throat. He coughed, tears burning in his eyes as he tried to speak but was quickly hushed by Beomgyu's mother.

"Taehyun sweetheart, your lung collapsed. You've been on a ventilator for a three weeks. You're fine, you've healed up well actually." She assured him, showing his updated chart.

"Beomgyu." Taehyun choked out, his throat severely sore from the tube.

Beomgyu moved from the wall and walked over to Taehyun, cupping his face gently. The elder stroked his thumb over his cheek bone, resting his forehead against Taehyun's. They stayed that way for few minutes, staring deeply into eachothers eyes as the nurses and Beomgyu's mother left the room to give them privacy.

"You're here," Taehyun coughed. "You came."

"I've been here everyday. I haven't left your side. I will never leave your side again." Beomgyu responded. "Not after this."

Beomgyu leaned up, pressing a gentle kiss to Taehyun's forehead. The younger's face flushed red, but he didn't mind. He liked the way Beomgyu made him feel, he felt so loved and appreciated. Even if he had an accident, which he could already tell Beomgyu blamed himself for, he wasn't going to give up on living that easily.

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