VII. "December"

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Beomgyu stalked down the stairs of his home to the kitchen where his mother sat eating a few slices of toast. He decided it was best to tell her today rather than have her accidentally find out through someone else. His mother wouldn't judge him for liking for boys, right? She'd be accepting. She's his mother after all. He fidgeted with his sweater sleeves, the hunter green material sliding between his finger tips as he prepared himself.

"Eomma, can I talk to you?" He asks from the kitchen doorway.

"Of course Beomgyu," His mother smiled. "What's up?"

"Um, I have to tell you something." He says, his voice shaking with every word. "Please don't get mad."

His mother looked at him and motioned for him to come closer. She could tell he was nervous about something and needed comfort. Maybe something had happened with a friend and he was in trouble and needed to tell his mom she could help him. She set her toast on her plate and focused her attention on her teenage son.

"I-I'm gay." Beomgyu admitted, tears welling up in his eyes. "Please don't hate me Eomma."

"Hate you? Choi Beomgyu, you're my son and I love you no matter what. The person you choose to love has nothing to do with how much I love you." His mother replied, standing up from her chair and walking around the island to hug her son tightly, who was now crying against her shoulder. "I love you so much. I don't care about your sexuality, or gender identity, or anything else. What I care about is you, and your character. The way you hold and present yourself to others."

Beomgyu was comforted by his mother's words. Knowing she was okay with him liking boys made him feel so comfortable. He was finally able to be himself around her. He didn't feel scared or anxious and he knew she meant every word. His mother never lied to anyone about anything, especially not her family. She'd be screaming she had a gay son off the rooftops if she could.

"Thank you Umma," Beomgyu cried. "I love you."

"I love you most my sweet Beomgyu," She spoke softly, rubbing his back. "Now come on, we have work to do."

"Oh one more thing," Beomgyu says.

"Yes?" She responded.

"Taehyun and I we're kind of um...boyfriends." Beomgyu smiled softly.

His mother smiled and hugged him again. "I knew it!" She exclaimed.

After a car ride full of jokes and a long conversation about being safe with Taehyun's illness Beomgyu found himself rushing to Taehyun's room to tell him the news. He didn't even knock before entering the room, he just rushed inside excited to tell his boyfriend the news.

"Taehyun I told my mum!" He exclaimed, his excitement leaving his body as he saw his boyfriend sobbing against his mattress.

"Taehyun, what's wrong?" Beomgyu asked, rushing to his side. "What's happened?"

"My family disowned me. I came out to my father and he told me they would no longer be supporting me. I have to leave the hospital, I can't just rack up bills with no way to pay them off." Taehyun sobbed.

"Hey, it's okay. We'll figure this out alright? I got you." Beomgyu hugged the younger male tightly, rubbing his back as he cried against his shoulder. He knew he had to talk to his mother, see if there was anything he could do to help Taehyun.

"I'm gonna go get my mom. Sobin should be here soon, We can figure this out babe," Beomgyu said softly.

Taehyun sniffled and nodded, moving to lay down on his bed as Beomgyu exited his room. He walked down the hallway, running to his mother when he saw her exit the room she had just been in.

"Beomgyu, what's wrong?" She asks, noticing her son's anxious eyes.

"Do you think we could start paying for Taehyun's medical bills. He came out to his family and they disowned him. They told him they'd no longer be supporting him. We have to help him umma, we can't just let him die." Beomgyu answered.

She took a deep breathe, processing what her son had just said.

"We'd have to fill out some paperwork but with your dad's income and mine we can afford it. It would have to be approved by the hospital too." She replied. "But yes, I won't let him die."

Beomgyu smiled and thanked his mother who told him to go talk be with Taehyun while she went to talk to the chief of the hospital about everything. Beomgyu nodded, running back to Taehyun's as fast as he could.

"Taehyun! She said yes!" He exclaimed, running into the room.

"She did?" Taehyun replied, a bit shocked. "She really did?"

Beomgyu nodded.

"Wait, what's happening?" Soobin asked.

"Long story," Taehyun replied.

"I've got time." He laughed.

And so the three began talking about the future, Beomgyu explaining his father's job and how he was an executive of a private company. Most of the time his father donated his money to charity, wanting to give back to the world. Eventually the other's had arrived, brining along games and movies to watch. This was their routine now, every night they'd watch some new movie while a few played games, some painted or drew and Beomgyu laid on Taehyun's bed, holding the younger in his arms and they enjoyed the presence of their friends.

"If this is how the rest of my life is going to be, I'll enjoy it forever," Beomgyu smiled.

"I hope our lives stay like this, happy forever," Taehyun smiled.

"We should probably head home, it's getting late." Soobin says.

They all agreed to come back tomorrow evening, this time they would eat snacks and watch a scary movie like Taehyun had wanted to do for awhile.

"I love you, please be careful walking home okay?" Taehyun whispered to Beomgyu.

"I always am," Beomgyu replied, kissing his lips lightly. "I love you more."

"Are you sure you don't just want Sunoo to drive you home? It's not that far." Jay asks.

"I'm sure. I walk home all the time." Beomgyu replied, saving goodbye to his friends before making his way out of the room.

He waved goodbye to a few patients as well as the night nurses and secretaries and then of course to his mother who was preparing for a heart surgery. He placed his earbuds into his ears and walked out of the hospital into the drizzling rain. His sweater was thick enough to keep his body warm as he walked the short few blocks home.

The sounds of coldpplay filled his ears as he walked, singing along to the lyrics of their song 'yellow'. He stepped off the curb of the sidewalk, walking across. He didn't hear the cars honking for him to move, he barely had time to see the bright headlights filling his vision before he felt his body get smashed between the two cars.

The last thing he remembered was the sight of a teenage girl standing above him, trying to pull his body out of the wreck before he closed his eyes, letting the darkness swallow him as pain enveloped his nerves.

And up in the hospital stood the rest of his friends, taking forever to say goodbye to eachother, all of them oblivious to the flashing lights just a block down the street from the hospital. 


just a little filler chapter!

prepare your tissues, the next chapter is very emotional and very long. 

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