15- Fantastic Five

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On the street, cars screamed to stop, people gasped

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On the street, cars screamed to stop, people gasped. Doom strode up to Ben, and rose the electricity pole for the death- blow. Currents surged.

"We can't let you do that." Two people said in unison before he swung down.

Doom turned to see Reed and Rachel. Bruised and Battered. They slowly stepped toward him. Doom smiled. "And you can't stop me." He said. Doom turned back to Ben, raised the pole, but he couldn't swing down. Something was holding the pole in mid-air. Something invisible.  "Hello, Susan." He said.

She turned visible, holding back the pole with a forcefield. Using her power, she flung the pole from Doom's grip. It skidded along the streets. Rachel helped Ben back up. "What is this?  The pitiful four?" Victo asked sarcastically.


Johnny swooped down, hurling a fireball like a flamethrower, knocking Doom back. He then took his place along side the others. The Five stood as one. "Had a little relapse, huh?" Johnny asked Ben. Ben started to retort but Johnny gave a warm smile. "Welcome back."

They turned to Doom, who stood with metal skin slightly singed and melted, making him look more menacing. "This is going to be fun." Doom said.

Electricity started to course through his body.  He stood at the foot of the crater Ben made.  He thrust down, grabbed a thick power cable, and ripped it out of the street!He snapped the cable into two snaking, lashing strips.  He held tight, absorbed the power.  Lights flickered and dimmed in buildings around him. The windows blew. Doom glowed, amped up.

He let go of the cables. The two deadly wires snaked out of control. Pedestrians scattered and panicked. Reed saw the wires slashing through the air and made a move. Reed stretched his arms, and reached for the deadly cables.

Doom fired super powered energy bolts. The electric charges surged through the air toward the Fantastic 5 but Sue tossed her force-field, exploding Doom's blast mid-flight. She kept her hands up, blocking blows like a prize fighter.  One of Doom's bolts glanced off her force-field and smashed into a concrete stanchion of a building. The pillar started to crumble, with people holding onto the overhang. Suddenly, the concrete roof started to go back up into the air. Rachel used her power to move it back in place.

Meanwhile, Reed had finally grabbed both ends of the wire. " JOHNNY!  SPOT-WELD!" Reed yelled.

Johnny flew to high and used his flames to weld the wires back together. Sparks fly. The cables started to fuse. Doom kept firing. Sue struggled with her force field. The impact was too much. Her nose started to bleed. " Can't...hold...on..." Sue started to lose consciousness.

Doom smiled. Reed saw her. She was about to drop her hands, vulnerable, but Reed stretched his whole body. He expanded himself across the street, and grabbed a tree, so he formed a wall between Sue and Doom. Doom kept on firing his bolts. They slammed into Reed's body, rubber-banded  his skin, and distended out his back without breaking. He strained, agonizing.

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