Let Me Go...

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I woke up to find myself trapped in darkness.

"Hello," I quietly called as I stood up. I tried to think of why I was there, of where I could be. I remembered my name and my life. My name is Samantha Morro. My friends call me Sam or Sammie. It seems like only a few hours ago, I was with Emma and Shane in school. I can't remember where I was before I got here. I remember going to school and that's it.

I don't even remember leaving.

My eyes only saw darkness and this frightened me. I quickly touched my arms, legs, hair and face to make sure I was okay. I found that I was wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and a jacket.

My instincts said for me to check my pockets, so I did. I found something rectangular in my pocket. I felt it and it sorta felt like plastic. I can only assume it's my phone. I felt a button or something on it and I was about to press it when I heard," I wouldn't turn that on if I were you."

I gasped and turned in every direction looking for the voice. I put the device back in my pocket and slowly backed away from the spot. I eventually felt a wall behind me or something hard. I wanted to ask the voice where I was or what was going on, but somehow I knew I wouldn't like the answer I would get.

I felt along the wall, it was cold. I ended up following the wall to one of its corners. The wall seemed to never end. When I finally came to the corner, I let go to feel the wall in front of me. I felt nothing but air. I tried to replace my hand back on the wall but it seemed to have vanished.

I heard a slight chuckle behind me, and I quickly turned around. I waited to hear footsteps or something but I only heard the sound of my own breathing.

I sighed in slight relief, I was just hearing things. With this in my mind, I walked forward again. I placed my hand towards the wall again to make sure it wasn't there and when I did, I felt something warm. I jerked my hand back and ran in another direction. The wall was hard and cold. What I had just felt was soft and warm, almost like skin. I didn't know what I had touched, but all I knew is that it wasn't the wall. When I finally stopped running, I still had no answers to any of my questions, and I was out of breath.

I looked in all directions but saw no sign of light, which only made things worse. I had no idea what could have been down there with me. I'm starting to wonder if where I could have been was an endless labyrinth. I sighed again and pulled out the device. I wonder what it was, I tried to find the button thing again and when I was about to press it, I heard, "tsk, tsk," and then a slight mocking laugh.

It frightened me because it sounded so close. It was also a different voice than the first one I heard.

I stammered out, "w-who...are...y-you?"

I heard nothing but silence, I was about to speak again when I heard, "are you talking to me?" That voice was the same as the first. It sounded as if belonged to a male, but not to a grown man, but to a teenage boy.

"Or me," the second voice questioned right after the first. It sounded like the first, but the first seemed to be a bit higher pitched and bit further away.

I remained silent and grabbed the device. "We have to get her out of the dark some time," the second voice mused from somewhere near.

"But I'm not done playing with her yet," the first voice replied with an unamused tone.

"Won't it be better if you can see her and she can see you," the second voice questioned simply.

"That would be a little better," the first voice answered hesitantly with a thinking tone.

"Well let's welcome our new guest then," the second voice said almost amused.

I backed away. I started to think, I'm in god knows where with two males. I don't know who they are or where I am! "Let me out of here," I screamed as I turned to run away, deeper into the pitch black darkness.

I only heard laughs as I ran deeper into the darkness. I ran for what seemed like forever, but I never heard any other footsteps. I stopped running and started to think of a plan.

Then I remembered, the device! If it's a phone, I can just call 911 and this whole nightmare will be over. I reached in my pocket and found it. I pressed the button and I was right, it was my phone. I'd never been so happy to see my iPhone in my life. I was about to call, when someone grabbed my wrists from behind. I jumped and my phone fell to the floor.

"You don't want to leave yet, do you," the person mused in an amused tone from behind me as I felt the person's breath on my neck. It sounded like the first voice. I didn't dare struggle, I stood still as a statute from fear as to what would have happened if I would have moved. The grip on my wrist weakened when the person realized I wasn't going anywhere. The person behind me slid his hands up to my shoulders. "I thought so," the person said with a laugh as his arm wrapped around my waist from behind.

My phone's screen was still lit, so I could see some of my surroundings. It looked like I was in huge dark building. I tried to fight the urge to move until I saw a boy walk from within the shadows towards my phone directly in front of me. The boy bent down and picked up my phone. When he saw the screen he frowned, and I tried to back up, but the person behind me wouldn't allow me to get too far.

The screen light in his face showed what he looked like. He had brown eyes and dark shaggy colored hair. I'd never seen this boy in my life. I was scared, he seemed sorry for me though, but it only scared me even more. I pressed myself into the boy's chest who was behind me and the boy in front of me frowned again.

"I thought you'd scare her," the boy said with a frown as he stared at me pressing myself into the other boy.

The other boy laughed, and put his other hand to my chin and turned it towards his face. "I can't help it if you're scaring her and she's afraid of you," the other boy said right in my face. The boy shines the light on us, so I see that the boy is about 4 inches taller than me, and has short black hair and bright blue eyes. I don't try to move, because I'm afraid of what might happen if I do.

The boy behind me looks me straight in the face. "I think I'll keep this one," he says with a smirk on his face. This angers me and I open my mouth to say something, but I'm cut off.

"She's not a thing dammit," the boy with the shaggy hair says angrily. The other boy let's me go and sorta pushes me towards the other one. He doesn't push me hard, but I still fall forward anyway.

The boy with shaggy hair catches me so I don't fall, dropping the phone. I'm relieved I didn't fall but scared because now I'm in the dark with two boys I've never even met before. Everything went dark and I found myself clinging to the boy with shaggy hair.


Chapter 1 of Let Me Go


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