Let Me Go...(Chapter 7)

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I stand up and faintly can see a door outlined in the dark. What, I think as I slowly make my way to it. My ankle hurts, but not enough that I can't walk on it.

When I enter the doorway, I instinctively reach on the wall for the light switch. My hands search the wall, and eventually I find it. My fingers lift the switch up, and the room is filled with light.

It's a bathroom...I close the door, and lock it. Clothes are carelessly tossed in a corner and I examine them. They're a guys clothes....Where am I exactly?

I walk to the sink, and then look in the mirror above the sink. I look horrible... Now that I can actually examine myself, I look exhausted and beat up. Nothing like my usual self. My face was obviously tear stained and exhausted, even though I fell asleep.

I hadn't taken off my jacket, but I could feel the bandage on my arm. And I saw it when I rolled up my sleeve. With my jacket off, I can see the bruises that cover my arms and shoulders. Most of them don't hurt, but they look like they where painful to get.

How did get all these? I rub my arms trying to comprehend my new discovery. I stare at myself in the mirror. I turn and look at the shower, hoping it may somehow give me answers.

Maybe a shower will help me to clear my head....I stand in previous position and begin to contemplate. When is the next time I'll be able to shower? What if Connor and Jacob come looking for me while I'm in here? I stand there debating for awhile.

Showers always help me think....I'll take one, god knows when my next one will be. I pull the shower curtains back, and turn it on. It works, so I take off my shirt and set it carefully on the sink.

I look into the mirror and I see the bandage on my arm. I'll have to take it off in order to shower anyway..... I carefully untie the bandage. My eyes fill with horror at my discovery. Beneath the bandage is a huge gash, with stitches. I can't feel it, I think as I poke my wound. It looks so painful...How did I get this?...

I'm thinking to myself when I hear dripping. The shower! I had forgotten all about it. I quickly undress and throw my clothes on the floor. I un-wrap my ankle and climb into the shower.

There is guy's shampoo and bodywash in here, but I don't care. I'm just glad I get to shower. I finish washing myself and stand under the falling water for a minutes.

Standing beneath the falling water calms me and helps me think. I sigh, "what am I going to do?" Not sure of an answer, I turn the water off. I pull the curtains back and step onto the cold floor. I grab a towel that was hung on the door knob of a closet in the bathroom.

I dry myself and put back on my clothes. This is disgusting, I think to myself as I put back on my shirt. I look at the bloody bandage and the athletic tap on the floor. I can't and will not put those back on! I slowly walk to the door. My hair is still dripping wet, and I don't like it.

I open the door, and the small square lightens the room where I was asleep in. I wonder where the light is in here. I walk into the room, and notice a small lamp on a dresser.

Maybe this'll work! I make my way to the lamp and turn it on. It dimly lights the rest of the room. I smile at my quick thinking, and walk back to the bathroom. I reach in and turn off the light.

When I turn back towards the now dimly light room, I'm curious to explore it. I walk to the bed, I was asleep here. I look down to see my shoes neatly places beside the bed, and my jacket hung. I don't remember taking them off.

My dripping hair, makes me cold and I reach for my jacket. It's thin and I know it won't keep me warm. Beside my jacket hangs a black sweat top, and I grab it.

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