Let Me Go...(Chapter 3)

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"Well, when we find her we can ask her," the first boy calls from in the distance. "I'm going to the 2nd floor," he calls from even further in the darkness. The second boy just nods in compliance.

Please don't shine the light around. Please, please, I'm pleading in my mind as I lay there, trying not to breathe. The second boy looks at the phone and uses it as a light as he walks away. I'm laying there just watching him, as I see him walk towards a door, that I never knew was there.

He opens the door and then he puts the phone in his pocket, making everything go back into complete darkness. This place must be big to have a second floor, but where am I? How big is this place really?

I can't just lay there thinking though, I have to I get up and try to figure out a plan. Maybe after that boy leaves, I should go inside that room..Maybe it holds some answers. I'll just have to wait until he leaves though. I stand up, careful not to turn away from the general direction of the door. I walk forward to the door in the darkness. After a few moments, I feel cold wall and my fingers slide along the wall until I feel a different texture, which I can only assume, is the door. I quietly place all my fingertips on the door. It's here, but I can't just go inside with the boy in there.

I softly drag my hand from the door to the wall, and begin making my way away from the door, until I come to a corner. I feel like I've been walking quite a distance, so I shouldn't be clearly visible from the doorway. Now I just have to wait.

While I'm standing in the shadows, now I can think. How is Emma and Shane involved in this? I can't come up with an answer, so I start to listen for noises. I hear footsteps above my head. They must belong to the first boy.

I continue to listen to the first boy for awhile, but then I get bored. What is that second boy doing in there, I wonder as I'm growing impatient. I'd like to leave soon, and he isn't helping me at all.

I still hear the footsteps above my head, and I'm starting to wonder if that room is the stairwell. It would make sense as to why the second boy hasn't come out yet, but wouldn't because I only hear one set of footsteps. I'm listening closely for a second pair of footsteps, when I hear, click.

The door suddenly swings opens and a small rectangle of light floods into the darkness. The light hurts my eyes, but I stay looking at it. I watch as the second boy walks out, reaches back grabbing the door knob and shutting the light off, closing the door.

I listen for his footsteps, that seem to be walking away from me. I'll wait a bit longer, and then I'll quietly walk forward and retrace my steps. After a few moments, I take steps forward as I use the wall to guide me back to the door.

I get back to the door and I slowly,carefully and quietly turn the door knob. I walk inside the room and carefully close the door. I reach on the wall to find the light switch. I find something and flip it up. Light suddenly fills the room.

My eyes take a few moments to adjust but then I'm observing everything. The room looks abandoned, and old, except for most of the furniture. The furniture doesn't look that old. A table sits against the wall, a couple of chairs are scattered throughout the room, and there is small door on one side of the room. A closet, I'm guessing.

I walk towards the door, and open it, to discover, that it is a closet. I shut the door and look at the table. It has a few things on it, a black backpack, a jacket, and duct tape. If this is the only things in here, what was taking him so long, I wonder.

I pick the jacket up. The jacket is definitely not mine, it's solid black, and a guy's. My jacket is grey which means it sorta shows up in the dark. I wonder, if I should trade jackets? I decide against it, I don't want them to know I've been in here. I set it back down and pick up the duct tape.

I'm curious what they have duct tape for. Maybe if I took it, it'd help me later some how. I'm wondering if I should take it, when I look at the black backpack.

What's in here, I wonder...I put the duct tape down, and grab the backpack. I open it and look inside, it has my wallet, one of my shirts, and a few of my other things. I look at it confused, and then realize, this is Shane's backpack. Why is my stuff in Shane's backpack? And why was it here now? I take out my wallet, and look inside, my diver's license, my credit cards and money is all here...

I take out the shirt, and look at it. It's the one I wore to school. It's sorta dressy looking. I'm still sorting through the back-pack when I hear the footsteps approaching the door from outside. They weren't fast footsteps, but I need to hurry, if I'm going to hide.

I quickly shove everything in the bag. I run to the light switch and turn it off. I quietly run to the closet, in the dark when I trip over a chair. Damn it, I think as I'm falling in the dark.

I quickly sit up, I have to get to the closet, but I already feel the pain in my ankle hurts. I stand up and realize I might've sprained it, because I can't put much pressure on it. I make my way to the door and quietly open it and walk inside. The footsteps have just gotten directly outside the door as I'm shutting the closet door.

He heard me fall! I'm screwed, I'm telling myself. I listen as I hear a click, of the door opening. I still hear footsteps above my head, so the first boy must still be up there. It's the second boy, he's not as psychotic as the first....Or at least he doesn't seem to be, my heart starts pounding as I realize he could be even worse if not the exact same.

From the bottom of the door, I can see light. I hear footsteps walk towards my side of the room. They don't stop in front of the closet, I'm about to sigh in relief when I hear, ''come out.''

I stop moving. He knows I'm here.... "You can come out, or I can get you out," he says calmly. Somehow, I know he isn't joking, so I softly press myself against the door and grab the door knob.

I want to open the door and dash out of the room, but my ankle still hurts. I sigh, no point in hiding my presence now. I slowly grab the door knob and turn it. Opening the door reveals the room is the same as I had left it, with the chair overturned on the floor. The backpack is now sitting on the boy's lap, and the second boy is sitting on the table, looking directly at me.

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