Let Me Go...(Chapter 6)

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She fell asleep, Connor laughs to himself as he looks at Sammie. "I guess your going to my room," Connor says quietly as he carefully stand up carrying Sammie.

Sammie, instinctively puts her arms around Connor's neck and leans her head on his shoulder and falls back asleep instantly. She must be really tired from crying, Connor thinks as he observes Sammie's face, who cheeks are stained with tears.

Connor frown looking at her face, so she is not as tough as she looks and acts. Connor wipes the tear stains away with his jacket sleeve. Well this was a lot to take in, Connor thinks as he looks at Sammie face again. I guess she wasn't kidding when she said Jacob scares her more than I do, Connor thinks with a smile.

"But she should be more careful about getting close to strangers," Connor says with a smirk still looking at Sammie, who slightly stirs. Connor chuckles and proceeds towards the door.

I hope I don't run into Jake, Connor thinks boredly as he walks to the door. Connor shifts Sammie to support her weight with one arm. Sammie unconsciously snuggles closer to Connor, Connor looks down at her surprised. I guess she doesn't remember where she feel asleep at, or she really doesn't care that she fell asleep with me in the same room, Connor thinks. But if I was her I'd be afraid for about 4, Connor thinks with a smirk.

Connor slightly opens the door with his free hand and then places his foot behind the crack he made. Connor then opens the doors with his foot as he places his arm back around Sammie.

Connor walks in the darkness to the stairwell. He finds the first flight and begins slowly walking up. Thank god, I know my way around this place, Connor thinks to himself as he's walking up the 2nd flight of steps.

Connor continues walking up the stairs, until he gets to the top of the third flight of steps. Then he walks into the 3rd floor's brightly lite hallway. The hallway is aligned with many other doors. Connor walks down the hallway into the last room on the right.

He opens the door in the same manner as he opened the 1st. He walks in the room and reaches for the light and turns it on to reveal his room. It looked like a hotel room, the desk in the corner, the big bed, a TV, a closet, a mini kitchen and a bathroom. The only thing that seemed out of place was the couch that was against the wall.

I don't know how your going to react to this when you wake up, Connor thinks as he lays Sammie down on his bed. Maybe you'll get a clue as to where your at. It's highly unlikely since your in another state. But you could guess the kind of building your in I suppose, Connor thinks as he walks away from the bed.

I'll sleep on my couch, Connor thinks as he walks to his closet. "You must have been really, really tired," Connor says quietly with a slight laugh, as he opens the closet. Connor grabs some pillows and blankets from the closet and walks to the couch. He throws the pillows and blankets on the couch and the walks to the room door.

Connor walks to the door and shuts it. I have to lock it, I don't know when Jake might barge in my room, Connor thinks as he locks the door. And it wouldn't be a pretty picture for me, or you, Connor thinks annoyed as he shuts and locks the door.

Well I can't go back on my word, Connor thinks nonchalantly as he walks towards the bathroom. Connor laughs quietly, "I am a man of my word." And I always keep my promises, Connor thinks boredly as he opens the door.

I wonder if your ankle well be better tomorrow, Connor walks into the bathroom and shuts the door.

Connor changes into a muscle shirt and some shorts. Connor reopens the door and walks out. Remembering that he still has Sammie's phone in his pocket, he takes it out of his pants. Can't forget this, Connor thinks with a smirk.

When Connor walks out of the bathroom. he finds Sammie has taken off her jacket and shoes. They are thrown carelessly on the floor suggesting she unconsciously took them off.

Connor picks up her jacket and hangs it on the door knob. He places her shoes neatly beside the bed. And then he sits on the corner of the bed.

"I'm sorry about all this," Connor say quietly. Connor looks at Sammie apologetically, I really tired to help...... Hopefully your too smart to end up having to stay here with Jake and me, Connor thinks to himself.

I'll help you get out, I just don't know if I should tell you the consequences of you leaving though, he thinks to himself. Not that you're going to care.....

"You must trust me already, if you let me see you cry," Connor says with a smile as he looks down at Sammie, who is sleeping peacefully.

"You don't seem like kind of person who would cry to just anyone," Connor says looking at Sammie, who turns her back towards him.

Thinking about what he just said Connor frowns, "Don't get to attached, if you want to leave here then." Sammie stirs and stretches her arm in search of a blanket. Connor grabs the blanket and pulls it over Sammie.

Sammie stops moving and and turns her face into the pillow. "Sleep while you can," Connor says a little amused. Connor walks to the light, and turns it off.

"Because the game will start soon," Connor says tauntingly with a smirk in the dark, as he sits on the couch.

When I woke up, it's pitch black. Where am I? Was all that just a terrible, terrible, dream. It must have been, I sit up, and realize I'm covered in a blanket. I should get up and go find Emma or my mom and tell them about my bizarre dream.

I get up and and step on something. I reach down and realize they're my own shoes. I'm just trying to freak myself out, I think to myself as I sigh in relief. I'm home asleep in my bed right now, Connor, Jacob they don't exist.

I step beside the shoes and try to walk forward. When I try to walk about 3 steps later, my left foot hurts like hell. I reach down and feel my left foot. My fingers wrap around something on my ankle. It can't be.... My face is consumed in horror as I realize the truth.

...................So it wasn't a dream....................

Where am I?...........Where is Connor?..........

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