Seeing Boy Blunder

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I ended up going to the heist. I pouted and pouted and I know my daddy can't stay mad at me for long. Unfortunatley I was only on lookout duty with Fergus and Chace but that I can live with. Well, if I didn't shoot Chace for whining. 

"I could be with Tammy right now." He whined from his side of the building. I rolled my eyes. 

"Do you ever shut up?" I asked. He glared at me.

"Not when I could be with Tammy!" He said harshly. Fergus didn't get involved, right now he was in his scarecrow mode so we know not to bother him. 

"Ame's any sign of the bat?" Jonny asked me through the headset.

"Non so far." I said squinting. I heard Chace give the same reply that's when I spotted the flash of red.

"Hang on. I think I see boy blunder." I said. " Wrap it up!" I said urgently as I saw Robin fly at me with his bo staff. I ducked to avoid being hit then did a backflip to get away from him. I looked back quickly and saw Chace up against Batgirl and Fergus up against Batman. I turned around and ducked as I saw Tim was about to punch me. I threw a punch and I narrowley missed him. 

"Nice stunt today at school!" He spat at me. I blocked another one of his punches and headbutted him, stunning him a little. 

"I thought so." I said cockily as I tripped him up and he fell to the floor with a thud. He grabbed my leg and tripped me up. He rolled us over so he was on top. 

"I think it was stupid." He said before throwing a punch at me, hitting my nose. "In fact I think your just pathetic." He said nastilly. Fuck this was killing me. He threw a punch at me again and this time I rolled away so his hand hit the cement with a crack. I picked up his Bo staff. 

"I think you're pathetic." I spat before hitting him over the head with it. "And I wish you would drop dead." I spat before running to where Fergus was waiting with the bike. I saw Batgirl knocked out and Batsy playing with my father. I held on to Fergus with dear life as he drove me home.

"Where the fuck does he get off telling me I'm pathetic?!" I screamed punching the punching bag. Crow looked up at me and raised an eyebrow.

"He's wrong anyway Ames. You beat him and he was hurt." He said simply going back to his book.

"I'm hurt too!" I screamed throwing another punch. "He lied to me!" Punch. "He played me like I was a game." Punch. "He told me he loved me." Punch. "And then I'm pathetic." Punch. Then I stopped breathless.

"I am pathetic." I realised. Fergus put his book down and came over to me.

"No you aren't." He said trying to make me feel better. I smiled, he was sweet.

"Thanks Ferg, but I am. I need to stop moping over him. He thinks I'm pathetic. Fuck him. I am Amelia Napier. I don't take shit from him, I don't take shit from anybody!" I said flailing my arms. Fergus laughed at me.

"It's good to see you back Ames." He said picking up his book. "Now come on, I'm hungry." He said grabbing my hand and dragging me into the kitchen. 

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