Arkham City.

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Blues POV

Okay so we were running from the Batman. Not even running persay, we were on a bike that Hush was currently driving and I was holding on to for dear life. I don't know what he stole, all I know is I was on look out then Batman came out of the shadows. I didn't hate the Batman, he was protecting the city from the likes of us. But we had to do what we do to survive. 

"Shoot his tires!" Hush shouted, I nodded against him and pulled Hush's gun from out his holster. I don't need to use these weapons with my powers which is why I don't carry them. I shot twice at the batmobile to no difference, he was still hot on our tail.

"I have an idea!" I shouted to Hush grabbing a grenade he had stashed in his jacket. I bit the lid off and counted to 10 before throwing it at the batmobile.

"Hold on to me!" Hush shouted as we started to go faster. We were coming up to the ramp ahead and we jumped it and turned a corner. We were coming to a dead end so we skidded to a stop. We were right outside a dingy mini village, almost like a slum.

"Where are we?" I asked Hush getting off.

"Where we need to be." He said looking at the slum. I grabbed onto Hush's arm. 

"I don't like this place." I whispered. He chuckled and placed an arm around me for support.

"You will be more welcome here than I will be. You have nothing to worry about." Hush said moving away from me and propping the bike up against the wall.

"What are you doing?" I asked him. He smirked.

"Just getting ready." He said simply. He smirked again and I widened my eyes.

"We're not going in there are we?" I asked exhasperated.

"That we are my little blue companion." He chuckled. "Now do you want to go first?" He asked holding out his hand to help me up against the wall. 

"I hate you." I told him while climbing up, I sat on the wall for a while and waited for Hush to join me.

"Welcome to Arkham city." He grinned at me. Arkham city? He brought us to the one place I thought we were avoiding!

"By that angry look I tell you are confused." He laughed.

"Explain." I growled.

"It is all part of my plan--"

"What plan? I had no idea there was a plan involved!"

"Well you would know about the plan if you didn't go out all the time!"

"I need to go out to get away from the likes of you! You will drive me insane being stuck with you all day!"

"Plot twist you already were insane!"

"You both fight like a married couple but look like father and daughter. Interesting." A new voice joined us. We turned around to see an aurburn haired man in a green suit. He seemed to have an obsession with question marks.

"I didn't you would show your face around here any time soon Hush." He said glaring at Hush. Hush  simply smirked.

"Well Eddie I have somehing to do. This is where I need to be." Hush said.

"Don't call me that! You don't belong here, alot of people want you dead. Including me." He said taking a threatining step forward. I stood in front of Hush, like it or not this man was my one ticket out of here.

"I woulnd't." I said simply letting my hands glow.

"Whos your... companion?" The orange haired man asked.

"She came into my possesion 6 months ago." Hush smirked. The strange mans eyes widened and looked at me.

"Amelia!" He whispered looking at me. I looked back confused.

"Um excuse me who? Look I know you want to kill Hush, I do everyday. But I need him to do whatever he needs to do and get us the hell out of here. So please leave." I said. The man looked confused again. Suddenly Hush took off running dragging me with him. Just great.  More running.

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