Questions and Kidnapping

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Dodger paced back and forth atop of the hospital. Where the hell is this bird? Behind him the nurse wimpered and he rolled his eyes, he would shoot her sooner if she didn't shut up. 
"Let her go." A voice said from the side of him. Dodger smirked.
"You're late." He said jokingly.
"I am right on time." Robin said inching closer to the hostage. Dodger quickly stepped towards them and knocked Robin flat on his back and knocked the hostage out.
"I want answers Bird brain and they better be truthful." Dodger said. "Otherwise." He made a slicing motion on his neck and indicated to the now knocked out nurse.
"Ask your questions!" Robin said spitting out blood.
"You fucked my little sister." Dodger stated.
"That isn't a question and the last time I checked you weren't family." Robin smirked. Dodger grabbed him and chucked him at the wall. Robin landed with a thud.
"How the hell was I meant to know!" Robin shouted ducking from another punch aimed at him. By now it was beggining to rain. 
"You're the one that fucked her!" Dodger shouted lunging for him again. 
"How do you know it was mine?" Robin dodged (Heheh) another blow. "She was a whore."
This was the last straw for Dodge. He rawed and grabbed Robin throwing him against the wall with a force. Robin coughed out some more blood and a tooth and watched Dodge carefully. Dodger went over to the pathetic little man and leaned down in his ear. 
"How does it feel to know you and your gaurdian are the ones responsible for killing your own child." Dodger teased. Robin groaned and went to punch him but he was too weak. Dodger laughed. 
"I hope you live with the guilt because as soon as Amelia wakes up she will be out for blood. And her daddy will be too." Dodger punched him in the gut making Robin groan.
"That was for breaking her heart." Dodge said before making his way down stairs and back into the hospital room. 

Joker stood at the end of her bed, looking. She wasn't there, her IV's had been ripped out and she had been tossed. Where the hell was Dodger! He was meant to be watching her. As soon as Dodger came into the room Joker had him up against the wall with his knife. 
"What do you think is wrong with this room?" Joker asked.
"Where is Amelia?" Dodger replied.
"You tell me. You were the one who was meant to be watching her." Joker spat.
"I went to get answers. I was only gone for half an hour at most." Dodger said pushing the clowne off him and looking around.
"My poor baby." Joker wimpered. He sounded so weak, Dodger couldn't help but feel sorry for him.
"I could help." A raspy voice said from the window. Dodger looked over to see gothams protecter. 
"Why? It was your fault she was in here!" Dodger yelled but Batman didn't flinch.
"I want to help now. To apologise." Batman said. Then he came into the room and ducked as the Joker ran after him. Batman grabbed the Joker by the neck and knocked him clean out.
"It would be better if he wasn't trying to kill me." Batman said laying him down.
"The only reason I'm not is because you could actually give us answers." Just then Bruce picked up a peice of cloth from the floor. He studied it, it was a bandage but not from Amelia. Then it clicked. 

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