20 Questions

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Danica's POV

"Okay,(munch)so since I don't know much about you and you know almost everything about me,let's play a game(munch)deal?"

Well that was a lot of chewing.

We didn't go to a fancy expensive restaurant or something like that.
Thank god.I don't want people looking at us or Dante spending lavishly.We currently sat on the floor staring at the stars while Somethin' Stupid by Frank Sinatra played in the background.Dante had a whole set up done.It was about half an hour away from home and was by a small pond in a secluded area.He decorated the small pathway leading to the pond with small candles which lit up the entire place.He laid out a few blankets on the floor which we laid on for a while then decided to eat.He cooked for us and honestly I wasn't surprised,this guy can do anything.He made pastas,pizzas,burgers etc.Yeah he made it all.

If I tried I would have set my hair on fire.

"What kind of game?"

"20 questions."I said wiggling my eyebrows,brainstorming all the questions I could think of.

"What is that?"

"You've never played 20 questions before?"I said staring wide eyed at him in disbelief.


"You don't know what it is?"


"Okay so basically...."
After about 10 minutes of me explaining and us eating in between,he finally understood it.

"Okay I'll go first."I said already knowing my first question.

"What's your favorite color?mine is royal blue."

"Black and gold,I think you already knew that."he said while pointing at his bike and chuckling.

"Uh,okay true.Anyways your turn."

"Favorite food?"

"Pizza.Yours?"he didn't answer because he was chewing his pasta but crossed his eyes at his pasta that was hanging out of his mouth as an answer.

"Figures."I said as I laughed,he looked so adorable and at...peace I guess.It was sweet to see.
"Uhmm...oh favorite movie!"I said a bit too excited and desperate to hear his answer.As far as I know,Dante doesn't have a favorite movie.On movie nights he would never choose a movie and just watched what we chose and not say anything about the movie leaving us to assume he liked it.That is until one day Salvatore chose 50 Shades Of Grey and he pulled out his pocket knife to throw at Christian Grey one to many times.And by that I mean at least 13.He said and I quote:

"He's an obnoxious,narcissistic "rich"boy who likes to flaunt his money."

And he said "rich" using his fingers as air quotes.
And yes,he called the Christian Grey a "boy"

"I don't have one,although I mildly liked that one movie you chose,maze runner was it called?"

I laughed way to hard at his choice of words"seriously. 'Mildly liked'"I asked as I was on my back on the floor wheezing.He just stared at me with amused look that soon turned into a smug smirk...and I knew what that meant.

"NO.Dante no.Stayyy."I said as I stopped laughing and stood up very slowly as he stood up at the same speed,leaving his pasta on the floor.

Dante's pov

I left the pasta container down as I stood up slowly so I was at the same pace as her.

"NO.Dante no.Stayy."she said as she dragged the stay.
She already knew what I was going to do and ran before I did.I gave her a three second head start as she ran surprisingly fast in her heals around the pond.I ran after her making sure I wasn't to fast and wouldn't catch her very easily.

Not going to lie,she's a fast runner.

I saw she was getting tired running in all different directions so I fastened my pace and ran up to her picking her up from behind as I began ticking her.
She uncontrollably laughed her cute perfect laugh as she began tearing.We both were on the floor and I was on top of her just near the pond.
I stop tickling her and I took a moment to fully grasp what was in front of me.A small smile played on my lips as I looked at her.

The moonlight cast a perfect glow on her gorgeous face bringing out each feature on her face.From her big brown eyes to her long eyelashes,to her high cheekbones and pink lips and straight nose.

She was the epitome of perfection.

She stopped laughing as she stared at me with a certain emotion swirling in her eyes.And I wanted to know what it was,badly.

"I love you,Danica Sinclair."

"I love you more,Dante Lombardi."

"Impossible."I simply said as I leaned in to kiss her.She looked taken aback so I stopped midway and she responded by smiling before she gently grabbed my face and placed a soft kiss on my lips to which I immediately responded to.

A million fireworks when off in my heart and life couldn't get any better than this.
I am a terrible human being.I've killed a countless number of people in my life.With no remorse.I've killed good and bad,young and old.
I don't know what I did right to deserve this tiny perfection in front of me.Or even if I deserve her.This girl deserves the world,and I will put my everything into trying to provide it for her.

I've lived nonchalantly for so long that I forgot what it was to genuinely smile.
That is until I met her.This one girl that changed my life forever.Even if she decides one day that she doesn't love me anymore,I will always love her.She is my first love,my last love and the only one I love.
I may not be her last love,but I will try.
Try with everything in me to make her stay with me for the rest of our lives.
I don't want anyone else in her position ever again.

She is my girl.

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