Requited Feelings

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After spending a whole summer to sort through his feelings – with a helpful little chat with his mother who smiled with tears in her brown eyes when she heard that Remus had someone he fancied, giving him advice and a few stories of her own experience about some of her past crushes before she met his father – Remus felt emotionally prepared to take on the whirlwind that was also known as James who had an uncanny talent in igniting emotions that Remus really didn't want to feel.

Meeting his friends after the summer holiday was refreshing. Sirius had grown once more, becoming more and more handsome as time went by, and Peter was less chubby now that the last of his baby fat was gone and in its place was a short and sweet looking boy who waved brightly at Remus, acting a little like a puppy.

(Remus just couldn't resist and he gave adorable Pete a hug, ignoring the way the boy struggled to get free)

James had grown a little as well. He was of the same height as Remus but was a little shorter than Sirius who was growing like a damn vine. His hair was still the unruly mess that it always was and his hazel eyes were bright with light and humor.

The four of them easily slotted into place, falling into a familiar routine and before Remus could even comprehend it, they were already two weeks into the new school year and had even gotten three detentions! 

Remus felt a little daft once he finally realized that James and Lily's odd love-hate relationship had changed. Before, the two of them couldn't be considered friends as James had a bad habit of showing off and angering Lily while Lily was quick to her fiery anger and harsh insults that flew faster than a snitch on drugs. The two of them were both stubborn and hot headed and their infamous shouting matches in the great hall or in the corridor was well known.

Now their relationship was more that of siblings who liked to tease each other constantly. He only noticed when Lily sat down beside James one dinner and started up a cheeky banter.

The first warning bell that blared into life inside Remus' head was that Lily was voluntarily sitting next to James and that the two of them were talking in a civil and relaxed manner that he had never seen before. It was so glaringly different from before that Remus felt like hitting himself over the head.

Then Remus promptly went and choked on his mashed potatoes.

Peter leaned around Sirius, who ignored Remus as he carried on stuffing his face with food, to hand him a glass of water, a worried look on his face as Remus chugged the glass down and coughed painfully. His face was red from nearly dying and once he got himself together again he thanked Peter for his kindness before looking at Lily and James who stared back with wide eyes.

"Are you okay Remus?!" Lily cried, leaning forwards with a fretful expression on her face. Remus nodded his head vigorously. He made the mistake of glancing at James and he choked, again.

James had been watching him, not in worry like Peter and Lily had but more with a slightly strange look on his face, hazel eyes bright and curious and – searching.

"Fine." Remus managed to get out his constricted throat before he shot up and ran out the great hall, shouting over his shoulder that he needed to go to the bathroom when Lily made a shocked noise of confusion.

He couldn't be near James right now, not after he had seen his expression. 

James had giving him the same look that he himself had given to James when he thought no one was looking. It was a pining look

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