James' Sneaky Retaliation against Assholes (ahem, Snape)

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While their closest friends were supportive and excited about James and Remus' relationship progressing, Remus knew that not everybody felt like that.

He knew full well that muggles and muggleborns weren't accustomed to the idea of same sex relationships. His mother, a muggle, had been surprised when she had first heard about it but was very accepting of it once the initial shock wore off.

In the wizarding world having the same sex relationship began a few hundred years ago during a time period where lots of witches lost their lives due to a nasty virus that affected females more than males. Therefore, because of the decline of witches due to the vicious spread of disease, there were more wizards and couldn't reproduce.

The ministry during that time had been extremely worried that wizarding folk would die out.

So the (remaining) witches and wizards who specialised in charms and potions cracked their heads together and ended up inventing a potion that allowed two wizards to be able to reproduce which solved the problem of wizarding kind accidentally dying out. The potion created was originally called the "fetus peperit ex eadem genus concubitus*", which later became known as the "same sex reproduction potion" when witches started demanding that they wanted to have children with other witches as well.

So it was very common in pureblood families, especially when there was a lack of witches, for same sex relationships to be seen. It ensured that children could be produced from pureblooded parents as was one of the main reasons that it wasn't heavily frowned upon like in the muggle world.

In Hogwarts many of the students attending where pureblood or halfblood with a small amount being muggleborn so there had been little disgust when James announced loudly (and stupidly) that he was dating Remus in the Great Hall Incident.

But those who did see same sex relationships as sickening, or those who just hated James and Remus in general, made it very clear about their thoughts on their relationship. 

The fourth year Gryffindors and Slytherins were waiting for Professor Slughorn to start his lesson. It was only late January so the temperature in normal classrooms was bitterly cold but the dungeons where the potion lessons were being held were positively freezing.

Even with a scarf wrapped tightly around his neck Remus shivered, thoroughly whishing he had brough his warm gloves with him. His hands had a tendency to be cold even during the summer so during the winter his hand would turn rough and dry and red. It was painful.

He startled a little when warm hands gripped his and James rubbed his thumbs over the back of Remus' freezing hands while nodding to whatever Sirius was moaning about. Remus blushed at the action, ducking his chin down so that he could hide the bottom half of his face so that nobody would catch glimpse of the adoring smile he made; he was doing everyone here a favor really, sparing them of watching him smile like a goof at James who made his heart stop beating at the most inconvenient of times.

He laced his fingers with James and smiled secretively behind his scarf when bright hazel eyes darted to look at their interlocked fingers before looking back at Sirius who had steadily progressed from dramatic talking to wild arm movements. A small blush creeped onto James' cheeks and Remus felt giddy and lightheaded at the sight. His heart was doing something funny and his inside promptly turned to mush.

He thinks he may have died right then, holding hands with the boy he loved.

Remus jolted when he was harshly knocked forwards, a boney shoulder ramming painfully against his back and causing him to lurch unsteadily and nearly slam into James had he not quickly regained his balance again. He turned around and saw Snape sneer at him as he walked by, black eyes partially hidden by his greasy hair which seemed to have been returned back to normal since James' prank when it had been turned red and gold.

"Disgusting." The Slytherin muttered darkly under his breath and all previous warmth that had seeped into Remus' being faded away.

Remus turned away, chin dipping lower into his scarf. His hands must have tightened their grip on James' hands because worried hazel eyes looked at Remus. It didn't seem like James heard what Snape had said. Sirius, however, did and he glared hatefully at Snape who stood hauntingly before them with his arms crossed over.

"What did you say Snivellus!?" he growled lowly, anger sparking in his dark grey eyes, his handsome Black features turning into a harsh scowl. Remus jumped in shock when Lily managed to worm her way past the other students and gave a similar glare as the one Sirius was making to Snape as well, green eyes narrowed.

"That's not nice Severus!" she scolded angrily, giving Remus' arm a slight pat.

Even though Remus knew that Lily was just showing him her support and comfort all he wanted to do was burry his face in a book and forget that this every happened.

The ever oblivious and curious soul that James was finally decided to butt in, asking loudly, "What did he say?"

Sirius turned around and muttered into James' ear. Remus held back a wince when James' hold on his hands tightened and watched silently as his boyfriends jaw clenched together painfully as he ground his teeth to prevent himself for spitting out some colourful insults that he knew Remus would disapprove of.

"Mind your own business Snape." James said, hazel eyes glaring at Snape who scoffed.

"What are you going to do about it Potter." The Slytherin sneered hauntingly, turning up his pointed nose as he looked down at them. Lily made a half suppressed hissing sound similar to a cat who's tail had been stepped on and then pulled. Her face had flushed a dark red, annoyed and a little pissed that her childhood friend was making fun of her best friend.

James looked ready to blow a fuse, face flushing and eyes twitching, when his expression rapidly changed without warning and he grinned cheekily, eyes wide with anticipation of Snape's reaction to whatever he had come up with in a span of a few seconds. "This." He said smugly, turning to face Remus.

Remus sighed. By now the werewolf knew how James Potter's brain functioned and he could easily keep up with the idiots brainwaves (Sirius, who many people naïvely thought had similar brainwaves to James, was on a different level of insanity that Remus had no flaming desire to understand or keep up lest he loses his own sanity). He leaned forwards, freeing his face from his scarf and kissed James.

The kiss only lasted a few seconds but it was tender and warm all the same. He pulled back, a flush making itself known on his face as he received a blinding smile from his boyfriend that eased some of the anxiety in his stomach.

The Marauders plus Lily pushed past a stunned and gaping Snape as Professor Slughorn made himself useful and opened the classroom door, providing them with an escape before the Slytherin could make a scene.

Remus hooked his pinkie with James and smiled widely at the proud accomplished look on James face. "Now the slimy git can't say anything about us!" he cheered, apologizing halfheartedly when Professor Slughorn chided at him for his raised voice.

Remus sneaked a kiss onto James' cheek during the lesson when Professor Slughorn wasn't looking and made sure to smirk lightly in Snape's direction, his amber eyes flashing in warning.

'piss off' 


* "fetus peperit ex eadem genus concubitus" means 'birth of the fetus from same gendered sexual intercourse'

I tried to come up with something in Latin forthe potion that allows two people of the same gender (male and male or femaleand female) to have children but I only had google translate to help me with this. 

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