Lily's Fault

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It was most definitely Lily's fault.

It had been a few weeks since the prank that changed the Slytherin's hair red and gold and James (and somehow Sirius?!) had finally finished the detentions they had gotten from Professor McGonagall. It was near the end of the winter holiday and the students who had left Hogwarts for the winter were returning before school began again tomorrow.

James and Sirius were in high spirits and wanted to have a final snowball fight while the snow lasted and thus decided to drag Remus and Peter outside, ignoring their feeble protests.

The two most troublesome Marauders instantly teamed up and Remus and Peter were left to helplessly fending for themselves as they were pelted at with snowballs instantly once the countdown had been gleefully shouted out. They were turned into human snowmen, covered head to toe with snow.

Remus spat out the snow that had ended up in his mouth and ducked behind a tree for safety, watching quietly as Peter landed on his back after being hit by a particularly hard snowball.

Having forgotten his gloves in the hurricane that was known as James Sirius, Remus scooped up some snow into his red hands and formed a sturdy snowball. He pressed his lips together when he saw Sirius' open back facing him and carefully took aim. He launched the snowball with a powerful throw and laughed loudly when it hit Sirius' neck and some snow slid down the young wizards neck.

The Black yelped loudly and made weird contortion like movements that made James pause in making his snowball and gave his best mate a horrified look. "Mate, what's – " he started but spluttered when Remus launched another snowball that landed straight in his boyfriends face, cutting him off from saying anything more as he waved his arms around wildly.

Remus sprinted out from his cover and grabbed Peter by the arms, dragging him to the safety of some more trees and tried to brush off as much snow as he could from the shivering boy. He winced at the shaking smile his friend gave him and he pulled out his wand and quickly muttered the heat warming spell, hoping that Peter wouldn't get sick. Once the other boy stopped shivering as much he leaned in close to whisper his plan.

Remus and Peter stood panting in the battle strewn slope of the Hogwarts grounds. The bitter winter wind blew by and the two gave each other proud smiles at the sight their groaning opponents that were trapped beneath a pile of snow.

James and Sirius had been beaten by Remus' genius plan that consisted of Peter creating snowballs using a neat charm the werewolf had found in the library some time ago while Remus himself levitated and then threw those snowballs with scary precision.

The end result was clear. James and Sirius had no way of beating that strategy and they had been overwhelmed by the amount of snowballs that attacked them from the safety of the tree line were Remus and Peter had taken their stand.

"We won!" Peter cried joyfully, waving his arms around and hugging Remus around the middle a few times in excitement. The shorter boy's round cheeks were red and his pale blue eyes were shining brightly from their landslide of a victory. Remus grinned as well, a smile stretching across his face and pulling lightly at his pale scars.

"Get up you two," he shouted, barking out a laugh when he saw the two black haired boys struggle to get out from under the snow and each other's limbs.

"It's nearly lunch!" He added in as an afterthought and smiled widely when the two suddenly got out from their little snow mountain and sprinted back to Hogwarts, racing each other and Peter who had already gotten a head start as soon as the word 'lunch' had escaped Remus' lips. 

Drinking his third cup of hot spiced pumpkin juice, Remus waved widely when he finally spotted Lily enter the Great Hall. His female friend hurried over with a mischievous grin on her lips, plopping down in the opposite seat to his and leaned forwards on her elbows, green eyes alight with glee.

The red head completely ignored Sirius and James' food eating contest happening beside them and bit her lip in excitement, making Remus sweat from the intense look she was giving him.

"You're dating Potter!" she whispered, the smile on her face widening.

Remus flushed and shifted slightly, trying to convey through his eyes only for her not to speak anymore loudly because he really didn't need a repeat of the Great Hall Incident (Merlin, he would never be able to forget that embarrassment for as long as he lives).

Lily smiled kindly, getting the nonverbal plea instantly, and pulled back, opening her mouth to no doubt say something else when James dropped an arm around Remus' shoulders and grinned brightly.

"Hiya Lily flower!" he said loudly, giving Lily a wink and ignoring the way the red head's eyes narrowed in a mock angry look.

"I see you've heard 'bout me and Remus!" James continued, loud and dense as always. Lily scowled gaily and crossed her arms.

"You better not be lying Potter," she bantered, the two's weird love hate friendship they had going on since second year now completely gone, eyes narrowed playfully. Somehow they had become friends a year ago and now they bantered and bickered with each other like siblings trying to see who could annoy the other the fastest. "I think I need evidence that you're actually together. Can't have my best friend get together with a fake." She taunted, giving a small smirk when James' jaw dropped open in mock betrayal.

"Why flower!?" he cried out dramatically, placing a hand over his heart to emphasize how mortally wounded he felt at her false accusations. He then swung around and grinned brightly at Remus who he held under his arm.

Remus had no time to move away when James leaned forwards and pecked his lips lightly and gave the werewolf, who's heart had already beat itself right out of his chest, a lopsided smile. Time seemed to stand still as the two looked into the others eyes. The usual noise and clatter of the Great Hall faded away and Remus could feel the bright red blush making itself known on his face by the way his face burned and how James' smile turned that little bit smugger.

(That. Little. Bugger. He was doing it on purpose!)

Whatever moment they had had between them snapped when he heard Lily squeal (yes squeal) about how happy she was for the two of them.

Remus gave up and buried his burning face into his hands while he leaned against his boyfriends side, trying to hide from the world.

Yes, it was all Lily's fault. 

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