My Nightmare and I

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Remus had temporarily retreated into the realm of his wonderful novel, trying to escape from the numbness that had seeped into his bones after jolting himself awake from his nightmare of the night he had been bitten. These nightmares occurred regularly but no matter how many times he had them they always left him feeling shivery and drenched in cold sweat.

The images had been crisp and clear and every emotion he had felt that night was seemingly amplified, the fear and terror he had felt tearing away at his insides as his heart beat wildly in his chest when that beast had sprung, razor sharp teeth covered in thick saliva that gleamed eerily beneath the haunting light of the full moon.

Even now, having spent at least an hour beside the common room fire while being wrapped in a thick blanket, Remus could still feel where those teeth had sunk into his shoulder, could still feel that hot breath on his face and smell his blood with each exhale that monster had made, could still feel the cold night air.

Remus took in a shaky breath, closing his book loudly now that the words no longer resembled words and tossed it to the side, curling up and drawing his knees to his chest.

A hand slowly moved up and rubbed at the healed wound where Fenrir Greyback had bitten him, the scars pink and puckering. It had been years since he had been bitten but this spot always felt a little raw, no matter how much time had passed since that fateful night.

Remus swallowed, trying to wet his dry throat. He leaned his head back slightly and let it rest against the back of the couch he occupied, staring unseeingly at the ceiling.

In the dream he had seen the distant stars that dotted the night sky and the pretty full moon right before he had been bitten. The ground had been hard and he had felt the short grass blades, recently mowed by his mother, tickle the back of his neck teasingly. He had been knocked back and all the air had left his lungs and he hadn't even had time to regain his breath when the monster had pounced on him and bit him, causing agonizing pain to rip through his body as his bone creaked and his muscled spasmed uncontrollably.

He had tried to crawl away, scrambling away with his shaking hands as blood poured out from the wound on his shoulder when the beast lunged again, this time grabbing ahold of his leg with its massive claws and Remus screamed. He sobbed as pain erupted in his leg as the claws ripped right through his flesh and got lodged in his bone.

He had been slowly dragged back and Remus thought that he was going to die as the monster opened its massive jaws again and howled at the dark sky. But then the sound of a door flying open and the fearful screams of his mother rang through the silent night. Then the painful flash of red filled his vision and the monster roared again, eyes wild and hungry and –

Remus pulled himself together, dragging in a gasping breath as his heart finally slowed down, returning to its normal pace.

The stairs creaked behind him and Remus shot up, his neck whipping around to where James stood, sleepy eyes blinking tiredly behind his round glasses. He shuffled forwards, yawning widely and said, voice thick with sleep, "You okay?"

The teen on the couch gave an unconvincing smile, not wanting his boyfriend to worry, craning his neck up as James stumbled to a stop behind the couch and leaned forwards, giving a light flick to his forehead with a disapproving twitch of his lips.

"Don't lie Remus." James said softly, big hazel eyes staring straight into his amber ones. "Are you okay?" he asked again, causing a lump to form in Remus' throat. How did he get this lucky? He was so blessed to have someone like James in his life. The boy who hadn't shunned him when he found out about his furry little problem and instead came up with the solution that they (James, Sirius and Peter) should become Animagus to help Remus with his monthly transformations. The boy who loved him and shamelessly told others how he felt and gave Remus kisses without a care in the world, like it something someone like Remus deserved to receive those affections.

How had he gotten so lucky?

Remus dragged in a deep breath, smiling as he let his head drop back down against the back of the couch. "I just had a nightmare. I'm better now." He whispered softly.

James nodded, looking down with his expressive eyes, and shifted a little as if considering something. Then he leaned down and gently slotted his lips against Remus' dry ones.

The kiss lasted longer than all their previous ones (which Remus could count on one hand, he and James weren't like their loveable, charming and playboy friend Sirius) and Remus let his eyelids slip closed as his brain subconsciously memorized this moment.

Their lips gently moved past each other and Remus could feel James' smile. He made a small sound when James gave a light nip to his bottom lip, as if nibbling it. He then smoothed Remus' lightly bitten lip with a quick flash of his tongue before pulling up and jumping over the couch to settle down beside Remus, grasping his hand and weaving his tanned fingers through his.

Remus smiled and gripped James' hand tightly, looking into the flickering fire before him. The terror from previously was no longer there anymore and Remus returned to bed latter that night and slept peacefully without waking up once. 

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