Tasting like Chocolate

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School had started and Remus really wanted to have a break.

Within the first week the werewolf had been unwillingly dragged into a handful of pranks and had even landed himself in detention. Peter had been dragged into it as well, the poor boy fiddling with his hands nervously whenever Sirius grinned that maniac grin of his when he got some sort of insane prank idea planted in his head that Remus and Peter would no doubt have to help with once James heard and ultimately agreed to doing.

Remus really shouldn't have been surprised by the grey hairs he had found, shrugging it off like most of the stuff that went shit in his life thanks to being a werewolf (he had been anticipating getting grey hairs, especially with how James and Sirius had suddenly decided to make it their life's mission to drive him up the wall with frustration), and carried on with his life, juggling his studies in between tutoring Peter, scolding James AND Sirius for the stupid things they got themselves into and getting constantly used as a guinea pig for Madam Pomfrey's potions testing. 

Remus owed a lot to his parents, Professor Dumbledore and Madam Pomfrey. His parents for loving him and supporting him ever since he had been bitten, comforting him when all he felt was utter crap when he transformed, body in a constant state of pain. Professor Dumbledore for letting him attend Hogwarts when in reality he shouldn't have, even going as far as to plant a magical tree that attacked people so that he could transform without worrying about hurting anybody. And Madam Pomfrey for always patching him up after a transformation and knitting his body back together after a rough night.

He owed these people a lot.

But being Madam Pomfrey's guinea pig, no matter how much he owed her, was not something he enjoyed doing.

Getting new variations of potions shoved down his throat was never a great experience but they helped, despite the god awful taste, and a few new healing potions had been made that increase the speed at which wounds caused by werewolves healed and other things such as reducing scarring tissue and such.

Today, a few days since the full moon, Remus left the Hospital wing completely drugged up on potions that made his body ache considerably less than usual but made his head spin. He had insisted on leaving, unable to stand the white walls, and the white sheets and the white ceilings (basically he was sick of the hospital wing) and Madam Pomfrey had reluctantly agreed, warning him seriously that he should come straight back if he felt bad.

He dragged himself to the kitchens, tickling the pear in the painting and entered, greeting the house elves politely before slumping himself onto a stool and leaning heavily over the counter as he closed his eyes to get rid of his swaying vision.

"Is Master Remus alright?" a squeaky voice pipped up from below and Remus jerked upright, blinking uneasily as he settled his eyes on Tinky, a young house elf who was very fond of him. Remus swallowed and gave a shaky smile, "I just feel a little dizzy Tinky. Could you make me something warm please?" he asked.

Tinky lit up, her large bat like ears standing up and she babbled happily as she ushered Remus to a more comfortable seat near the fire that some other house elves had conjured up. The werewolf collapsed into the soft chair and sighed as he relaxed his shoulders. The potions that Madam Pomfrey had given him were beginning to work and he could feel the dull aches of his shoulders and knees steadily disappearing.

Amber eyes fluttered open when Tinky returned and handed him a large mug filled with warm hot chocolate that made his insides turn to mush. "Thank you so much Tinky!" he thanked her sincerely, smiling when Tinky blushed and hurried off, helping the other house elves prepare for dinner.

The werewolf chugged two thirds of the warm drink down in seconds, sighing at the rich taste of chocolate, instantly making him feel better. He really loved chocolate. He continued sipping his drink, thankful that his body no longer hurt and his vision slowly returning back to normal. A few house elves popped forwards and offered his some snacks which he politely accepted, eating his way through the chocolate frogs.

Finishing his chocolate milk Remus stood up and waved goodbye to the house elves for their kindness and headed up to the Gryffindor common room, thinking that he was better and that he wouldn't feel so winded if he went now.

He was wrong.

By the time he reached his dorm his vision was so blurry and filled with black spots that he could hardly see where the beds where, even though he knew them like the scars on the back of his hand.

He stumbled and landed face first into, what he desperately hoped, was his bed and pushed his face into the pillow, eyes squeezed shut.

He groaned when his swaying vision was the same when he opened his eyes, blinking rapidly as if that would help him see better. He looked around when he heard James suddenly chuckle out of nowhere and squinted at the blurry figure of his boyfriend.

"Moony you're on my bed!" came the bright laughter as James nudged Remus lightly in the side and plopped himself on his stomach beside the werewolf of the narrow single bed. Remus grunted, moving a little but stopped when his vision went black and he felt his blood rush to his head.

James' laughter died instantly. Remus felt the faint brushes of fingertips on his face as James leaned forwards, his face appearing right before him when his vision cleared slightly and wasn't utterly black anymore.

"Are you okay? You're really pale." James murmured, hands now cupping Remus' face as he turned it so that their noses brushed each other's lightly. Remus could smell the hand soap that James had used, probably having gone to the toilet while Remus had stumbled back to their dorm.

Remus nodded. "I'm fine, I had some potions from Madam Pomfrey and got some chocolate from the kitchen." He whispered, feeling the air between them shift as they breathed. It was mesmerizing how Remus could clearly count the long lashes that framed James' hazel eyes behind his round rimmed glasses, the faint dust of freckles on the tops of his cheeks and his nose, and could feel James breath against his lips.

Remus wasn't sure who moved forwards first.

Maybe it had been him or maybe it had been James. Maybe it had been the both of them but they were kissing and as if magically cured, Remus' vision finally stopped swaying. He felt less sick and dizzy and he leaned in, hand inching forwards until in found James' slim neck and he held on tightly, digging a few fingers into the messy black hair at the base of his boyfriend's head.

James breathed a little deeply at that and Remus tilted his head for a better angle and his hand slipped up to grasp his boyfriends messy black hair more securely. James made a soft noise and his tongue darted out and slipped past Remus' lips and gave the werewolf's own tongue a little experimental poke.

They drew apart when the need to breath became too hard to ignore and Remus grinned at the flushed look on James' face. He knew that his own face was much worse, being more pale than James', but he still felt a little thrill of success at making James blush this time because until now James had always been the one to make him blush whenever they kissed. 

"You taste like chocolate." James whispered breathlessly, grinning widely as Remus blushed even harder and gave a gentle tug on his hair. 

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