Chapter 1

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I was walking through New York, minding my own business. It was a rainy day, I had my headphones on and was listening to some calming music. I took a moment and stopped walking, looking around. All the people around me were in such a rush, trying to get to their work or something else and I smiled at that. It was funny watching them, because in all those century's I lived, it was always the same. People who are trying to be the best, be early for appointments or work. They want to change something in the world, thinking about themselves. It was sad, seeing that again and again.

I stopped long ago worrying about others, I put myself first and everything else comes after me. Sounds egoistic? Maybe, but when I was young, all I wanted was to make everything right for the people I loved, my family, but you know how it is. Betrayal and misery opened my eyes, but that is a story for another time.

And I think you guessed it in the meantime, that I'm not a regular human being. I'm a vampire, many century's old. My brothers are vampires too and I'm the youngest. I came to New York after I heard what happened with some aliens and, what was his name? Oh right, Loki. The God of Mischief. It made me curious who he and those called Avengers were. They're interesting and I learned a lot about them. Since I came to New York they destroyed a whole country, Sokovia and brought back a woman. I think her name is Wanda, I'm not that interested in them anymore. The scent of the rain was calming me and I took a deep breathe. The people around me started staring at me while they walked past me. I pulled my hood deeper into my face and walked away from the crowed place. My mind was loud and I thought how I could change my life a little bit. I could get a job, but I have so much money, probably even more than Tony Stark himself, that I don't need to work. Okay, I could meet some new friends, but it's hard to get to know someone new when you're a vampire. The film industry gave the humanity so much fake news about us vampire, that it's just exhausting to correct them again and again. No, I'm sticking with my old friends.

My hand twisted my ring at my finger and I didn't noticed where I was going when I bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry" was all I whispered and looked up from my ring. My eyes met green ones and I immediately recognized the woman in front of me. It was the woman from the avengers, Wanda. "It's okay, I wasn't looking where I was going" she smiled at me.

So that's my new book, I will only post the first chapter for now, because I want to finish writing it, before I really upload it.
I'm really excited to finally write again.

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