Chapter 14

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I nodded and sat down next to her. „He's coming, and I think he will be here tomorrow" Natasha nodded and grabbed my hand. „You know I'm here for you, always." I smiled at her and stood up. „I have something for you." Natasha had a hard time hearing me, because I was whispering the whole time. I walked to my purse and pulled a picture out of it and looked at it. A smile came to my lips and I walked back to Natasha. She took the picture and looked at it. Tears streamed down her face and she whispered „Is that?" „Yes it's Yelena!" „Oh my god, she grew up so much" Nat mumbled and wiped her tears away, looking intensely at the polaroid picture.

„She's beautiful

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„She's beautiful." „She is indeed beautiful and smart. I really miss her" I whispered, and Nat looked at me. „What about you? It's your picture after all." „It's okay, I have the same photo on my phone and it's your sister after all." Natasha wanted to say something, but stopped herself „Thank you" she said instead. We sat in silence, but after a few minutes I stood up and sat down on my piano, starting to play some music. Natasha closed her eyes and laid down, listening to my music. It was completely silent, except for the music. Nat was fast asleep and I smiled a little bit, her presence calmed me down and the thought of Damon coming to help me and be there for me makes me happy, but anxious at the same time. He's a psycho sometimes and if someone hurts his little sister, he becomes the devil. I changed the music to a sweet melody and looked over to Natasha, she looked peaceful and I think it was the first time she was truly relaxed. The night turned into day and the sun came out. I took a deep breath and took a shower, got dressed and made breakfast. Natasha woke up when I held a coffee under her nose, and she groaned. „Thanks!" She sat up and took the mug out of my hand. „It's delicious, thanks (Y/N). How are you feeling?" „Better, calm. Thanks to you." „You want to come to the compound today? We can decorate your room a little bit" Natasha asked me, and I thought about it. After a few minutes I nodded and said „Yeah okay, maybe it's a good time. I have to tell Damon to come to the compound when he arrives, but yeah we can decorate my room, if it makes you happy." „You will need the room when you come to missions with us" Natasha nudged my shoulder and I smiled at her. We got into her car and drove to the compound.

When we arrived, the others greeted us and hugged me. I wasn't used to touch and sometimes I hated it, even if my love language is touch. Especially because my love language is touch, I hate it when others hug me without my permission. Thor was there too, and he hugged me a little bit to tight. „You look beautiful Lady (Y/N)" he said to me and looked me up and down. I looked down onto my body and arched an eyebrow. It was my comfy outfit, but I shrugged my shoulder.

I heard a cough and turned around and there she was

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I heard a cough and turned around and there she was. „Wanda" I whispered and looked at her. Tears formed in her eyes and she came slowly closer. „Can I hug you?" she asked me, and I nodded. Wanda took my hand and pulled me closer to her. Her hug was soft at first, but soon tightened and she nuzzled her face in my neck. My hand touched her hair and the other caressed her back. „I missed you and I'm sorry about yesterday." „It's okay" I whispered and pulled her closer. We pulled apart and locked eyes. I wanted to touch her cheeks so badly, but Thor interrupted us. „Lady (Y/N), do you want to train with me?" „Please stop calling me Lady, I'm no lady and no I promised Natasha to decorate my room with her" I told him and crossed my arms over my chest. „Maybe later then?" he asked again, and I shrugged. „Maybe!" „Okay, come on (Y/N) we have a lot to do" Natasha said loudly and grabbed my hand. She pulled me away and I glanced at Wanda. She looked so angry and I saw her eyes turn red for a second. Wanda looked at me and I smiled lightly at her. „Natasha Stop!" We stopped, and I walked back to Wanda. „Do you want to help me?" Her eyes widened, but she nodded. „Okay, come with me" I held my hand out to her and she grabbed it. When Natasha and I locked eyes, she nodded. We walked together to my room and stood there, contemplating where to start.

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