Chapter 7

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The next morning came and it was the first day with sunshine. My ring was on my fingers and I smiled at that, it was a gift from Damon. The decision of what I could wear today was hard, because I loved black, but it's always so hot in black clothes. After 10 minutes I choose an outfit and walked out of my suite.

I wanted to go to the library today and spend my day there, after walking a few blocks I saw Natasha following me

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I wanted to go to the library today and spend my day there, after walking a few blocks I saw Natasha following me. My steps slowed down, and I started whistling the song „American Pie" „Where do you know this song?" Natasha yelled behind me and I stopped, turning towards her. „I met a friend a few years ago, her name's Yelena and she taught me this song, why?" I told her and was slightly confused. Natasha had tears in her eyes and said „My sister's name is Yelena." Memories flooded my mind and a smile played around my lips; I loved my memories with Yelena. She's a great friend and she's one of my friends, who I told my secret. Yelena accepted me for who I am. Natasha looked at me and I asked „You like to join me? I'll tell you about Yelena." She nodded quickly and followed me. „You won't kill me?" Natasha asked me while we walked to the library. „What? No, you're Yelena's sister, after this information I can't kill you. Yelena was my best friend." „Was?" Natasha asked me after we walked through the huge doors of the library. We walked to an area with armchairs and sat down. „Yeah, we had a great time together she was my best friend and teacher, but then something happened. Yelena wasn't like herself anymore and I had to leave." I saw tears streaming down Natasha's face and I grabbed her hand. „Did she ever talked about me?" I leaned back again and sighed, thinking about my years with Yelena. „She never said a name, but she told me about her family in Ohio, mostly about her sister. Yelena told me about her childhood and that she and her sister used to whistle explicit notes to each other." Natasha whistled quietly and my eyes widened „Yeah, exactly that note." A smile formed on Natasha's lips „You're not that bad" Natasha smirked and I shrugged with my shoulders. „Yeah, I'm trying to be nice to my best friends' sister."

„You know, Wanda can't stop talking about you" Natasha told me and leaned back in her armchair. „Oh no" I sighed, „I told her that we can't be friends." „Why not? I mean you're nice to me, even though you knocked me out the other day" Natasha smirked, and I laughed. „I would like to fight with you again, as a training of course. And with Wanda, she's a witch that's why. She is dangerous for me." „Why?" „You're asking a lot of questions Romanoff. I can't tell you here" I whispered and looked around. „Then come with me to the compound" Natasha suggested, and my eyes widened. „Even after what happened last time?" She nodded, and I smiled lightly at her. We stood up and she walked me out of the door. „You have a car" she asked me. I laughed and said „Better!" We walked back to my home and I showed her my motorcycle.


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One soul, two bodies | Wanda MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now