Chapter 4

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„Okay, okay, I need to calm down. Just breathe (Y/N). You can handle this, for fucks sake you're over 150 years old, stop acting like a baby!" I stood up and walked to my kitchen, I needed blood. In my refrigerator was always human blood for emergency, just like this. I grabbed a glass and poured some blood in it, I'm not an animal after all. After I drank it, I licked my lips and felt a little stronger. After a few minutes, I decided to write down who was an avenger and what their specialties was.

It took me nearly two hours to get all the information I think were important and I sighed. They were coming after me, after this encounter with Wanda. It's always like that. From now on I need to be extra careful walking through New York. What I didn't expected were, that they would show up at my door. A knock shook me out of my thoughts, and I narrowed my eyebrows. In all those years, no one knocked on my door. "Who's there?" I yelled, but there wasn't a response. Another knock, but this time louder. I walked to the door and opened it. A redheaded woman was in front of me. "Ms. Romanoff" I fake smiled at her and she lifted one eyebrow. "You know me?" "I did my research." "Then you know why I'm here" she said, and I nodded. "Mhm, but I'm not coming with you, if you wanted to say that next." Her eyes searched my face for something, and I heard the voice of a man through her earpiece. "Knock her out Romanoff!" "I won't make it easy for you" I smirked and got ready to fight her. Natasha's eyes widened and she tried to punch me, but I was quicker and stronger than her. I couldn't use my full abilities; I could expose myself.

Natasha laid on the ground, unconscious and I kneeled next to her, checking her breathing, making sure she was okay, then I saw the blood. Just when I felt the change inside of me, something hit my head and knocked me out.

"What the fuck" I groaned, when I woke up again. My eyes opened and I was in a cell. "Great" I groaned and rubbed my head. "Ouch, what the hell was that?" I asked myself, but someone answered me. "Cap had to knock you out with his shield." "Wanda" I turned around and there she was, standing in front of my cell. "Hmm, I never told you my name, or you told me yours" she said angrily, but I saw the hurt and sadness in her eyes. "My name is (Y/N)" I told her and crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"(Y/N)" Wanda whispered and looked into my eyes. Her eyes turned red and I knew she tried to enter my mind, but I shook my head. "You can stop right there, it's not working." "But why?" she asked me, and her eyes turned green again. "That's my secret" I winked at her and she blushed. Interesting.

"You're not a normal human, that's for sure" someone said next to my cell. "Who's hiding there" I asked loudly but stared at Wanda intensely. Her blush deepened and I smiled. "That would be me" said the man and came into my sight. "Mr. Stark, pleasure to meet you" I lied.

"You have a lot to explain to us" he said, but I smirked. "No, I think not" my eyes focused on him and I said, "you're opening that cell right now and I'm going back where I came from!" "Yes, of course" Tony said with a monotonous voice and opened my door. Wanda watched us with her mouth agape and wide eyes.

The longer I had to be in that building, the angrier I got and it's not good topiss off a vampire. I started walking away, but Wanda grabbed my hand. "Stop!"She yelled and I turned around. "Why would I stop? You had no right to kidnap me or to held me captive" I growled and looked at her. "I don't want to hurt you" she whispered, and her eyes reddened. I need to be careful around her, she's a witch after all. Red wisps spread around my body and I noticed it tolate. "Wanda" I whispered, but she looked away and threw me against a wall. A painful scream escaped my lungs and I had enough. My eyes turned black and my fangs grew. I had Wanda on the floor in less than a second and looked into her eyes. She gasped and tried to break free, but I was stronger, even stronger than a super soldier. "Is this why you came after me? Look at me, that's what your so interested in. Tell your so-called friends and if they ever try to fight against me again, I will kill them. Did you understand that?" Wanda was shocked and couldn't answer me. I hit her hands against the floor, and she nodded quickly. "You're lucky you're so fucking beautiful" I whispered to her and I was gone.

One soul, two bodies | Wanda MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now