Chapter 24

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I called Damon while Wanda navigated us to Mystic Falls, informing him that we have a mission there and he gladly invited us to stay at our house. He promised to tell Stefan and he seemed excited about the news I told him about Wanda and me. It took us two hours to arrive in Mystic Falls and I was exhausted from the long flight. Wanda was tired too and lucky us, we could land behind the house and could go directly inside. It was empty and we sat both down on the couch Wanda's head laid in my lap and I brushed my hands through her hair, and she closed her eyes. She held her wrist up and I took it, I didn't need her blood at the moment it was just satisfying and it was arousing for the both of us, I gave it a little kiss and just as I bit into it, Damon and Stefan came home. They looked at us and I held one finger up to silence them, and then put my hand over Wanda's mouth to stop her from moaning. "Okay when did this happen?" Damon asked when I pulled back from her wrist and licked it clean. "Yesterday, if you really want to know" I smiled and kissed her wrist again. "I would hug you both, but my girlfriend and me are tired. Oh, and Katherine was in New York and attacked us" I said, and anger boiled up inside of me, Wanda grabbed my hand and kissed it. "Calm down sweetheart, we handled her" she said and opened her eyes, "no you handled her my love!" "What happened" Damon growled, and Stefan looked angry. We explained everything to them and told them what's our mission here. They promised to help us and told us that Katherine wasn't in Mystic Falls. The three of us decided to show Wanda the town and when we got to the school I saw a familiar face. I growled and Wanda's head shot towards my direction, I wanted to storm off, but Stefan grabbed my hand. "No (Y/N)! That's not Katherine, she looks like her, but her name is Elena, she's her doppelganger" Stefan told me, and I watched her. "She's Stefan's girlfriend" Damon said sarcastic and my eyes widened. Stefan said nothing and I groaned "Why Stefan?" "I don't know, I like her. It's the same with you and your witch, sorry Wanda I like you, really!" "Yeah sure" Wanda shrugged and laughed, when her laugh reached my ears I couldn't stop the smile.

"I love you" I mouthed towards her and she whispered "Softy." My eyes narrowed and she whispered quickly "I love you too!" "Thought so" I said in my mind while I locked eyes with her. She blushed and we both noticed that she could her my thoughts when our eyes were locked or it's because her magic still flows through my veins. "How long do you think, you two will stay in Mystic Falls?" Stefan asked me and I shrugged "Maybe two days, one for the mission and the other to annoy the both of you." Wanda smiled and giggled at my behavior. Stefan told us a little bit about Elena, and we made our way back home. We sat in the living room and looked over the material we had for our mission, with Damon and Stefan to help us, it didn't take long for us to get the information's about the hydra base and where exactly we had to go. My brothers had the responsibility to handle the agents, Wanda and I are doing everything else, but for now we decided to enjoy the rest of the evening.

Soon Wanda got tired, she's a human after all and I brought her to one of my rooms I used to sleep in when I visited my brothers. "Are you going to stay with me, or will you go back to your brothers" Wanda asked sleepily and touched my hand. I sat down next to her, scooted up the bed and leaned against the headboard and Wanda moved closer to my body and hugged me. My hands caressed her hair and she fell asleep, I used this quiet moment to actually study her and think about the decisions I made concerning Wanda. It was a hard and quick choice I made, but I'm in fact happy that I made it, like Damon said I deserve happiness and love!

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