Chapter 6

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„How? " came the voice between the trees. „I think you know how" I said quietly. Wanda came closer and stood a few meters behind me. „You can come closer, you know? I won't kill you." She stood next to me and watched me. „Your heart is beating so fast, you're afraid of me." „You can hear my heartbeat?" I tapped my ears and said „Super senses, I can hear your heartbeat, your breathing and I could smell your perfume a mile away." For the first time I turned around and looked at her. Wanda's eyes were red and red wisps surrounded her hands. „Calm down, I won't hurt you." She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Her heartbeat steadied itself and when she looked at me again her eyes were green again.

„Can I ask you a question?" I hummed and padded the tiny spot next to me. She sat down and asked „What are you?" „I'm a vampire, many years old and I don't want anyone to know this!" Wanda nodded and said „But why did you showed me your true self in the compound?" „Because you threw me against a wall and I was angry, that's why" I told her and looked into her eyes. „I'm sorry about that" she blushed and whispered „I didn't tell the others what you are." My hand touched hers and her heart skipped a beat, but I didn't comment on that. „Why not?" „I don't know, you scared me to death, but" she stopped herself. „But?" I asked and saw how her cheeks reddened. Wanda turned her face away from me. „Nothing, forget I said anything."

„Hmm okay" I hummed and looked to the lake again. She turned around to face me again and I said „Beautiful." „Yes, beautiful indeed" she whispered, but still looked at me. „The view Wanda" I smirked. „Sorry" she whispered, and I sighed. My eyes locked with hers and I whispered „Wanda I can't be your friend, I'm dangerous and you're dangerous for me." „I'm dangerous?" she was shocked. „You're a witch, you could kill me" I mumbled. „But I don't want to kill you" Wanda whispered and touched my cheek. „I saw you earlier, with your bow" she told me. „And what happened then, I think?" Wanda nodded, and she touched my lips. „Can you..." she didn't even need to finish her sentence. I let my fangs grow and my eyes turned black. „Wow" Wanda whispered, but I pulled away and stood up. „Stop that! You and I can't be friends or anything else Wanda. You're fucking beautiful and your blood is really hard to resist." Wanda wanted to say something, but I shook my head and turned around. I ran home and sat down on my piano.

Wanda was so intoxicating and if I weren't careful, I would fall hard for her. I wanted to fight again, the fight with Natasha was exciting and I wanted to do that again, but I couldn't. A long time ago, I thought about joining the Avengers. I was stronger than a super soldier and quicker, can fight like Natasha Romanoff and have the same skills as Hawkeye. But now they had a witch among them, and I couldn't join anymore.

My phone rang and I smiled at the name of the caller. „Stefan" I sighed happily. „Hey little one, how are you?" „I'm good, did Damon talked to you about my situation here?" „Yes he told me." „What do you think?" „It's complicated, but you're strong and confident. You can handle this" he told me and that made me happy. „They held me captive, but I could manipulate Tony Stark to open my cell and let me go" I told Stefan and he sighed. „Okay, it's good you're home again, but they are after you, I can feel it. You sure you want to stay in New York?" „And what? Come to you and Damon? No, thanks brother. I love you, but I can't stand the both of you together." Stefan laughed. „Okay, but you know one call and we'll be there, right?" „I know, I know." We talked a little bit longer and I decided to read a book after that.

My fingers landed on Kerri Maniscalco's Stalking Jack the Ripper and that's how I ended my day.

One soul, two bodies | Wanda MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now