Once Saras and Lamos left the forest they found a large camp with their country's flag in it. Four foot soldiers ran up to them with their spears in their hands. They pointed their spears at them and started yelling at them to dismount their horses. They did, then the troops brought them into the camp. When they searched their luggage, they found the map in Lamos' bag. After looking at it, they cuffed Lamos and Saras. Then they brought them to the largest tent in the center of the camp. Once brought in they saw at least five more troops and two commanders. Talking to the commanders was a man wearing red. Atop his head was a crown, and in his sheath was a wonderful gold sword with a ruby. This man was the High Prince, son of the High King. The High Prince turned around and saw Saras and Lamos standing there, cuffed. He stared at them with his crimson red eyes.
“So you two stole my map, and just waltzed back here like its no big deal. I should have you
both executed right here.” The prince said in an irritated way.
“I don't know what you are talking about. What map?” said Lamos convincingly.
“Whether you knew or didn't I am still having the both of you killed. We can finally pack up
camp and leave. Good.”
With that he walked over to one of the soldiers, said something in his ear, and walked back to the commanders. The soldiers took them outside and behind the tent. One of the soldiers drew their sword. At that second, Lamos said...
With that, lightning shot from his fingertips and hit the soldier who drew the sword. He dropped to the ground with a thud. The other three charged Lamos with their spears, but Lamos was to quick. He ran to the dead soldier and picked up his helmet which he swung around and hit one of the soldiers with. Lamos took that one's spear and stabbed one of the soldiers through his stomach. “You'd think that armor would do something” thought Saras. Lamos then hit the last troop with the end of the spear not impaled in someone and rammed it into his gut. The soldier bent in to hold his stomach, when Lamos hit him in the face with the spear. He turned to Saras and said expressionless
“Let's go.”
“You just beat up four fully armored troops and used lightning magic! That was amazing, you have to teach me to do that!” Said Saras enthusiastically
“Okay, let's get out of here.” He said again.
They then ran away without attracting the attention of anyone. Just when we were in the clear, Lamos said
“We have to go back in there.”

The High Prince
AvventuraThe evil rule of the High Prince has gone on for too long, and the people of Amicitia have decided to rebel against him. But to win they will need the help of the "7 Sages of Auxilium", an ancient order of sorcerers sworn to protect the nation again...