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"HINA'S DEAD AGAIN." Naoto plopped down in his seat in his office, pinching the bridge of his nose. "And on top of that, many of your friends died as well. Plus, the future changed a lot."

"Geez, it feels like whatever I do, isn't enough!" Takemichi whined, sitting frustratedly on the couch. He ran his fingers through his charcoal hair, grumbling with irritation.

"Giving up?" Naoto, his partner, raised a brow coyly.

"Heh, yeah right. You know I won't." The boy scoffed, standing up from the sofa. "So catch me up. What's new this time?"

"Well, you're going to have some more work to do once you return to the past." Naoto turned to his computer, pulling up files. His slender fingers vigorously smashed the keys, them going at a speed so fast that it nearly made Takemichi dizzy.

"On top of trying to climb the ranks to the top of Toman, you need to prevent the death of Draken...again."

"What!? He died again!?" Takemichi gasped, looking over Naoto's shoulder to read the article.

"Yeah, him and one other person are killed in a traffic accident on September 30th in the year 2005. I think it was him and another member of Toman named Takashi Mitsuya."

"Mitsuya dies!? No way..."

"They were on their bikes, when a black van ran into them...Though Draken's first death, getting stabbed by a Mobeuis member, didn't prevent Mikey from going berserk, that doesn't mean you should let this one slip by. It's not a main priority mission, but when the time comes, make sure those two boys don't die." Naoto advised firmly, shutting his laptop.

"September 30th...That's a month and a half away." Takemichi whispered as he scratched his chin.

"Mhm. So do your best to be the head of Toman in the mean time." Naoto grinned, standing up from his chair. He held out his hand to his friend, making Takemichi perk up. "I'll be waiting for you."


And with that, Takemichi firmly grasped his acquaintances' hand. Lighting seemed to have struck, as all of his surroundings went white.

Takemichi's eyelids fluttered open, him being met with a white ceiling

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Takemichi's eyelids fluttered open, him being met with a white ceiling. He shifted a bit, realizing his was laying on his back in his bed.

He pumped his fist in the air happily. FINALLY! I SPAWNED IN A NORMAL PLACE FOR ONCE!!

It was that time of night, where boys from around the prefecture gathered

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It was that time of night, where boys from around the prefecture gathered. Most dressed in the uniforms that marked their dedication to a certain group:


The members and division leaders all bowed to their president, who stood at the top of the steps with pride. Sano Manjiro, most widely known as Mikey, watched as rhe men all paid their respects to him.

In 12 years, that very boy would be a suspect to the murder of Hina Tachibana, Naoto's older sister and Takemichi's middle school girlfriend.

His mission? To prevent that murder from happening.

But it seems there is always an obstacle, or another person Takemichi must save.

First it was Akkun. Then Draken. Then Hina again.

It's a never ending cycle of inconveniences, tragedies, and deaths that Takemichi travels back 12 years in time to stop from ever happening in the future.

Currently, Takemichi is under division leader Takashi Mitsuya. The same Mitsuya who was deemed to die in a month and a half.

"Everyone stand up straight!!" Ken Ryuguji, best known as Draken, shouted by Mikey's side. He too was predicted to be killed on September 3oth.

All the Toman members did as told, them lifting their heads.

Mikey paused for a moment, scanning his army, before speaking up. "...WE HAVE A NEW ENEMY!"

Everyone gasped, murmuring to one another.

"A new one?"
"We having another war, I see!!"
"I'm ready!"
"Maybe it's round two with an old foe!"

"...It with the gang...

Sweet Lotus!!"


"I've never heard of that gang."
"Is Mikey feeling okay today?"
"Who the hell is Sweet Lotus?"

"Apparently," Mikey continued, the boys settling down to hear their leaders explanation. "it's an uprising gang that hasn't made their debut yet."

"...Then why are we worried about them?"
"Sweet Lotus? They sound like a bunch of softies."

"There's a ton of rumors swirling around. No one has actually seen the members of this group. They're nicknamed The Invisible Criminals."

"Invisible Criminals?" Mitsuya whispered to himself.

"So they commit a bunch of crimes or something?" Peh-yan growled from the bottom of the steps.

"Yep. They're rumored to be a bunch of con artists. The specialize in scamming. And they want a piece of Toman." Mikey started to walking down the stairs, his hands in the pockets of his black jacket. "So my orders to you...


"...Is this dude serious?"
"We aren't dumb."
"We won't fall for it if Mikey is telling us not to."

"Until Sweet Lotus makes an actual debut, just try not to be conned!" Mikey gave jazz hands and a big smile. "We don't want Toman looking like a bunch of fools, yknow?"

"That sounds easy enough." Chifuyu murmured between his lips.

"You'd fall for any scam, Chifuyu. Don't play tough." Baji turned over his shoulder to his vice captain.

Chifuyu's cheeks went pink with humiliation. "No I wouldn't!"

"Anyway, that concludes this meeting. I just wanted to say that. Dismissed."

Mikey turned to walk back up the stairs, Draken following close behind them as they disappeared at the peak of the hill.

Mitsuya faced Takemichi, scratching his head. "Sweet Lotus, huh? They don't sound much of a threat if they focus more on conning rather than fighting."

"Yeah..." Takemichi agreed, looking down at his feet. Sweet Lotus? Naoto never mentioned that name to me...Are they even relevant?

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