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IN FRONT OF THEM, was a beautiful young girl staring kindly back at them, a small smile on her face

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IN FRONT OF THEM, was a beautiful young girl staring kindly back at them, a small smile on her face. She had dark skin, likely a foreigner from another country. She had dyed red hair, that was straightened. Her eyes were a dark green, and her lashes were long as well. However, her nose was bleeding and her right eye was lightly bruised, due to the punch Baji inflicted on her.

The boys were speechless. Nothing could come out.
That was until Nahoya faced Baji with an angry expression. "YOU HIT A WOMAN, YOU BASTARD!!!"


"Baji is a woman beater! Don't marry him, cuz he'll beat his wife!" Nahoya skipped around the room, announcing to the "world" about Baji's crimes.

"STOP IT!" Baji growled, prepared to go and attack, when Chifuyu grabbed him from underneath his arms to hold him back.

"Geez, calm down!" He sighed.

Mikey stepped forward to the girl, as he took a few minutes to assess the situation. He pulled over a wooden crate, sitting directly in front of the female hostage. The girls eyes followed as he placed his elbows on his knees, leaning forward to her. "...Are you the leader of the gang, Sweet Lotus?"

"Yes, that's me!"

SHE IS!?!! They all screamed in their heads.

Mikey cleared his throat, trying to not let the information startle him. "...You are?"




"...You, a girl, formed the Sweet Lotus gang?"


The girls' voice was airy and soft. The best way to describe it, was comparing it to a white fluffy cloud. Her eyes were genuine when she spoke, and not a hint of sarcasm laid beyond her words.

"Oi. What's your name?" Draken stepped forward, demanding for her alias.

"Y/n L/n. It's nice to meet you all." She bowed her head.

A memory seemed to have struck Nahoya, as her mannerism brought him back to earlier that week.

The girl gasped with shock, kindly taking the money. "Oh my, thank you so much! You're a generous person!" She bowed, before turning to walk away.

"Oh! I knew that voice was familiar!" Nahoya paused his taunting with Baji, and walked over to y/n. "You're the girl who scammed me on Monday!!! Saying you had a broken wrist!!"

"Wait, yeah! She scammed me too!" Takemichi yelled.

"Oh, yes, I did do that. I am sorry." She bowed her head once more.

"I've got so many questions..." Mitsuya scratched the back of his head.

Chifuyu bent down next to y/n, as he went to fetch a first aid kit to tend to her wounds. "Yeah, what's a cute girl like you doing scamming people and being a gang leader?" The boy smiled.

"You little flirt." Nahoya giggled from the corner.

"I didn't mean to punch ya. Sorry." Baji murmured, his back facing her.

"If you're going to say sorry, do it right, Baji. You got her pretty bad." Chifuyu glared at his friend, wiping blood from y/n's face.

"Listen. We heard that you and your gang plan to attack Toman." Mikey stood up from the crate, looking down on her. "If you don't spit everything out, we'll get it out of ya, girl or not."

"You aren't actually gonna hurt her, are you?" Takemichi panicked.

"SH! Of course not! It's called an interrogation method!!" Mikey shushed Takemichi, giving away his plan to everyone.

"I will tell you."

They all faced y/n, who gently looked back. "My gang known as Sweet Lotus was supposed to make a debut next weekend. We've been in the con artist business for 3 years, though I've been in it for about 6."

"6? That's a long time." Mitsuya raised a brow.

"How old are you?" Chifuyu asked, placing a patch bandaid over her swollen left eye.

"I'm 15, in my third year of middle school!" She exclaimed. "Also, I don't wish to attack Toman! I'm sorry that you received that message. But in reality, I need Toman's help."

"Our help?" Mikey squinted at her, leaning down towards her. "For what?"

"You see..." Her joyful attitude seemed to have disappeared, as her shoulders dropped and her eye went sad. "There's this gang of young boys who have been making threats to me and my gang. Sweet Lotus only consist of 27 other members. We'd be wiped out...Toman, however, has over 100! I was hoping we could form a temporary alliance after Sweet Lotus makes a debut!"

The girl seemed worked up. Was this gang that was threatening her that scary? What were they threatening her with?

"Listen, that's cute, but Mikey doesn't just work with anybody. Especially people he doesn't know—" Draken started, before his leader quickly interrupted him.

"Okay! We'll help!"

"Huh!?" The boys gasped.

"It's the least we can do. I mean, we did beat her up and kidnap her against her will."

"He has a point." Mitsuya shrugged.

"That reminds me. Why didn't you put up a fight with Smiley and Baji? You just let it happen, as they tell us." Chifuyu questioned, putting up the supplies into his first aid kit.

"Well, I had no time to react before I was knocked out. Besides, I'm sure you all had a reason!" She smiled a great one with her pearly teeth, forcing a wave of guilt onto the boys. She's way to forgiving.

"Oo! Why don't I bring my gang over!" Y/n suddenly stood up, clapping her hands.


"U-Uhm, sure." Mikey sweat dropped, looking at the fallen rope restraints on the ground. "Draken, gather the divisions...Seems like we'll be merging with Sweet Lotus."

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