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"NO DEAL!!!" Aanya formed an X with their arms, kicking their legs up onto the table

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"NO DEAL!!!" Aanya formed an X with their arms, kicking their legs up onto the table. "Next contestant!!!"

The four leaders of the Sweet Lotus gang—y/n, Rei, Akira, and Aanya—met with the Toman leaders in a nearby diner—Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya, Baji, and Nahoya, with the exception of Takemichi and Chifuyu.

"We haven't even offered ya anything!!" Draken slammed his fist on the table, his forehead throbbing.

"Ken-chin, she's just provoking you!" Mikey laughed, playing with the straw in his chocolate milk.

"I apologize for my friends!" Y/n smiled, bowing her head. "They can be a bit difficult to handle!"

"You don't gotta bow to them, y/n!" Rei spat, hitting her friends back so hard the y/n's eyes nearly popped out of her head. "We don't even know their names!!"

"Names can come later. For now, it's negotiation time." Draken demanded.

"What are we even negotiating?" Mitsuya asked, specifically towards Mikey.

"Yeah, I thought you said we would help her because Baji beat her up?" Chifuyu added on.

"Which one of you is Baji? Speak up." Rei gave the boys a death stare, cracking her knuckles in preparation to punch someone.

"None of your business!!" Baji hissed.


"Anyway!" Mikey interrupted. He then fell serious, him looking directly to y/n. She raised her eyebrows curiously, waiting for him to speak up. "You want us to join forces with Sweet Lotus, right?" He questioned.


"What is the name of the gang that is threatening you?"

"Drip of Red."

"Do you have any idea when they will attack you and your gang?"

"No, I'm not sure."

"They're a gang of men?"

"Yes, high school boys, I think."

"Wait, you're asking Toman to help us out because of Drip of Red?" Akira turned to look beside her to y/n, pushing up her falling glasses.

"What the hell, kid? We can beat their asses!" Rei insisted.

"Yeah y/n, don't act like your weak." Aanya sighed, playing with a toothpick in between their teeth. They placed their hands behind their head, crossing their legs on top the dinner table. "The last time you punched a bully, you broke his rib!"

...SHE. WHAT? The boys thought.

No way this feeble girl broke some kids' rib. Baji sussed.

"I know! That's exactly why I don't like fighting!"
Y/n placed her hand on her cheek, letting out a drawled exhale. She shook her head from side to side, humiliated. "If I get into another altercation, I might accidentally kill someone!"

WHY IS SHE SAYING THAT SO CASUALLY? Takemichi panicked in his head.

"So that's why I would like Toman as allies, from the get go of our debut! The four of us may be able to protect ourselves, but the other 23 Sweet Lotus members might not be able to." Y/n's voice went soft, her twiddling her thumbs.

"Awww, she's so cute." Akira poked at their leaders cheek. "Y/n has always been thoughtful."

"If you wanted to do that, you shoulda asked for our help." Rei hugged y/n by the head, bringing her into her chest.

They all were suddenly coddling y/n, making Toman watch silently. "...What's happening?" Mitsuya whispered.

"I think they're cuddling? In public?" Nahoya chuckled.


The boys flinched as Rei pointed her finger into Mikey's face.

"You're gonna help our y/n. Got it? We predict Drip of Red will try to make their move in a month or so. Once they do, we'll leave ya alone. Deal??"

"What do we get in return?" Mikey tilted his head. "We don't do charity work."


"We'll give you half of the profit that Sweet Lotus makes from our scamming!" Y/n stood out of her seat with determination.

"We'll what!?" Aanya, Akira, and Rei all gasped.

The boys eyes went wide with surprise as well.

"...Oi, y/n...You know you need that cash..." Aanya whispered, their voice a more serious tone. "And some of it has already been going to Drip of Red..."

Y/n kept her chin to her chest, her hands balling into trembling fist. After a second, she then looked up with a smile, the presumed wave of sadness disappearing. "Yes, but we can always make more! The threats they are making towards us is far worse than losing half our profit!...Do we have a deal, Mikey?"

Mikey stared into y/n's eyes for a moment. From his point of view, he could see that she was desperate for his help. There was more to the story that she wasn't telling him.

As Takemichi gazed into y/n's eyes, he immediately noticed that there was no light in them. In fact, he can't recall ever seeing a spark in those hazel irises of hers. It's like they were bland, just like Mikey's.

Mikey gave it another moment, before grinning at her. "...Okay, deal."

Y/n smiled, bowing. "Thank you so much!!" She held out her hand, firmly shaking Mikey's to seal the deal.

"Takemitchy?" Chifuyu whispered as the two of them walked silently together from the diner, his hands in the pockets of his uniform pants

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"Takemitchy?" Chifuyu whispered as the two of them walked silently together from the diner, his hands in the pockets of his uniform pants. "...Doesn't it feel wrong?"

"Huh? Does what feel wrong?" The blue eyed boy turned to face his friend with raised eyebrows.

"Taking the money from Sweet Lotus...Think about it. Y/n seems like a very sweet and kind girl. So there must be a reason why she's scamming people, right? Like, she needs the money or something."

Takemichi faced forward, looking down the dimly lit street that they walked on, the night sky casted above. "...You're right, it does feel wrong...But I have a feeling that Mikey will realize that and won't take her profit..."

"...Yeah, I hope...Anyway, on a lighter note, isn't she cute!?" Chifuyu blushed, jumping up and down as he followed Takemichi.

"W-Who? Y/n?"

"Yeah! She's an upperclassman, so I bet she's so mature. And her eyes are pretty, and on top of that, she's so nice." He sighed fondly, tilting his head back to look at the stars in the sky. "Christmas is close by, so maybe I'll have some luck with her for the holidays!"

"Heh, she is really pretty." Takemichi sweat dropped.

"You've got a girlfriend, you cheater."


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