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a long chapter! get ready!

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a long chapter! get ready!

"I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M GETTING DRAGGED TO THIS." Baji groaned to himself, following his Toman friends, Rei, Akira, and Aanya into the Northside Middle School building.

"Cheer up! Y/n so kindly asked us to see her perform!" Mikey exclaimed, leading the group inside.

"What is she playing as, anyway?" Chifuyu turned to look up at Rei.

"Dunno. She wanted it to be a surprise."

"You don't even know!? Then why are we here!?" Baji whined.

"She looked so happy when she asked us." Draken admitted.

"I'm going to be in a Halloween Production for school! I hope you all can attend!!"

"You can't really say no to a face like hers. Besides, Mitsuya made her costume."

"Draken's right." Mitsuya raised his hand.

"Then you know what she is?" Takemichi questioned.

He watched Mitsuya's face fall, the corner of his mouth twitching weirdly. "You could say that, yes."

"Halloween themed, aye? Maybe she's a witch!" Nahoya laughed.

"Isn't Halloween a month away?" Baji huffed under his breath.

The group entered the large school building, it buzzing with students, parents, and kids. It seemed like word had spread fast about this play, because it was practically jam-packed with people. Straight ahead was 2 doors leading to the auditorium, where the musical would be taking place.

The auditorium itself was massive, with red seats that were angled in a downward slope, the stage stretching from one end of the room to the other.

"Damn, this place is full of folks." Rei growled.

"Our seats are this way!" Aanya skipped down the stairs, waving his ticket around. "We're close to the front!!"

"We can see our beautiful y/n, center stage." Akira murmured happily, following Aanya.

The friends walked down each step to the row they were assigned to, when the boys noticed a familiar set of black and yellow hair sitting at the end of the row.


Hanma turned to them, before smiling from shock. "Oh, hello!...Mikey."

"You've gotta be shitting me." Nahoya growled.

"You guys know Hanma?!" Aanya gasped, running down the aisle and plopping down in the seat next to him.

"What the—Do YOU guys know him?!" Chifuyu spat.

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