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NAHOYA PARKED HIS BIKE by the corner store, brushing off his Toman uniform

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NAHOYA PARKED HIS BIKE by the corner store, brushing off his Toman uniform. "Maybe I should start going to school again...But it's so boriiiiiiiing." He whisper-whined to himself, taking out his flip phone. The time read 3:50 p.m.

"...Everybody's out it school right now...Maybe I'll go and bother Aanya!—"

A loud wail went off in the distance, making Nahoya flinch. It sounded like a girl scream-sobbing, and it was so loud that everyone in the area seemed to have heard it as well.

"...What's happening?"
"A girl is crying?"
"Crying? More like sobbing!"
"Is she alright?"

Nahoya made his way around the corner store and through the alley towards the racket. Once he arrived, he noticed a crowd sparsely surrounding a girl.

She was fallen to her knees, crying as she stared at the road. She seemed to have just been coming from school, as she was dressed in a white collared shirt and a beige plaid skirt. She had red hair that was falling out of her ponytail—


Nahoya dashed to her, pushing his way passed people to get to her. "Y/n!? What's wrong!?"

She must've not noticed him, because she continued to sob and scream at the road. Nahoya followed her sad green eyes to see what she was looking at, and felt his heart drop to the pit of his stomach. ...Oh shit.

By the sidewalk was a still, white cat laying on its side, covered in its own blood. Most likely been hit by a passing car.

"CHARLES!!" She cried, slowly crawling towards the road.

As soon as she did that, a car started to speed down the road, a little to close to the sidewalk.

"Y/N!!" Nahoya pulled her in by the waist, just before she could get onto the road to meet with Charles. The car zoomed by, the extreme wind from the speed of the vehicle blowing in their face.

"Let go! I need to go to him! C-Charles was hit! My cat is hurt!!!" She cried, Nahoya picking her up and putting her over his shoulder. She kicked and whined and punched his back as he took her away from the crowd.

"I'll call animal control." A man told Nahoya as he walked by, a few bystanders investigating the fallen pet.

"NO! I WANT MY CAT! I can't lose another thing I love!" Y/n wailed, making Nahoya's ears ring.


"FIRST MOM, NOW CHARLES!!" She screamed.

Nahoya froze, y/n relaxing on his shoulder. At first, he couldn't understand why she was so upset over her cat becoming roadkill. Like, she's only had the thing for a month, if that. But now, it made sense.

It reminded her of her moms accident.

Nahoya slowly put y/n on the ground, her quickly falling forward into his chest. She started to drop to her knees, tightly holding the fabric of his pants as she whimpered. "...Momma...I...I want my mom back, Nahoya...Why...Why did it have to be my mom?..."

The peach-haired boy allowed her to cry into his leg, as he didn't know what to say. Nothing could comfort her. No words could help ease her. Not even a hug could calm her down.

...I'm always the one to see her cry...

"Sorry for breaking down like that

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"Sorry for breaking down like that." Y/n whispered to herself, sighing into her hand as she sat on the edge of her couch. She had a blanket wrapped around her, a cup of hot tea placed in front of her. "I don't know what got into me..."

"You don't have to be sorry." He murmured, taking a seat next to her. "I get why it upset you...I'm really sorry about Charles."

"...It's okay...It's my fault anyway...How did he even get out of the apartment? Maybe I locked the door improperly."

"You shouldn't put this on you."

"Yeah but...It's fault." She whispered into her palm, her voice wavering so much that Nahoya was certain she was going to crack again.

"...What do you mean?"

"...Momma died...because...I wanted a lemon flavored cake for dinner...So...S-So she went to buy one...All to happy...And now...Charles is gone...because...because..." She couldn't finish her sentence. Tears streamed down her cheeks, her balling herself up against the sofa.

Nahoya silently watched her cry, unsure what to do. Maybe I should call Rei...I don't know how what to do...Wait...

Y/n felt Nahoya stand up from the couch, her looking though her fingers to see him enter the room with Jessie's shrine inside. "...Na...hoya?"

The boy took a seat in front of the shrine, sitting on his feet and placing his hands on his knees. Y/n had pried herself off the couch, her peeking her head inside the room to see what he was doing.

"...Ms.Jessie Y/n's mom..." He muttered. "...Do you blame y/n for your death? If no, don't answer."

Y/n blinked, confused.

"...Okay, good. Now, do you think y/n should quit crying over something she can't change? Doesn't it hurt seeing your daughter blame herself? If yes, do nothing."


Nahoya turned over his shoulder to y/n, smiling big. "See! Your mom said yes!"

At first, y/n couldn't tell if he was being serious, or if he was trying to cheer her up.

She started to giggle to herself, putting her hand over her mouth to muffle her chuckles. "T-Thank you Nahoya. That made me feel better."

"Don't thank me." He stood up, walking over to her. "Your mom is the one who said that, not me."

He wrapped his arms around her head, bringing her into a tight hug. Y/n's eyes went wide from the sudden touch of affection, her puffy face pressing into his hard chest.

His hugs felt oddly nice. For a boy who loved to fight, had scrawny arms, and calloused fingertips, his hugs were gentle. His scent blanketed her, and she enjoyed the way he'd squeeze her, just tight enough that it wasn't considered bone-crushing.

"...You're warm..." She whispered.

Nahoya's face blew up into flames. "What's that supposed to mean?!" He spat, embarrased.

"Nothing bad...It just feels nice..."


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