Track 1: The Bitch is Back

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This is a slow burn, lots of chapters, fun and drama. If romance and chicklit with erotic mixed in is your thing, read on 😄


The Bitch is Back by Elton John

I stood outside the door of Ethan's two story home, the confidence that got me there quickly fading. The skinny jeans, blue tee, and vest I agonized over that morning felt too casual and too hot at the same time. It was still spring, nowhere as hot as it could get in Dallas, but I was so uncomfortable. The old me wouldn't care. In fact, the girl that Ethan knew would have thrown on basketball shorts and a t-shirt and wouldn't have given it a second thought. I knew my feelings had nothing to do with my outfit or the weather, but the man I came to see. One of the last times we were alone was about two years ago. He told me he had feelings for me, and I told him I was moving to California. I tried to push those memories back, but they came anyway.


-Flashback: 2 years prior-

I relaxed as I stretched out on my bed fully dressed. I just got home from my graduation dinner. I was officially a Doctor of Physical Therapy. My adoptive father wasn't as pleased as he would be if I was graduating medical school, but I didn't let that dampen my accomplishments. I realized that I owed him a lot, but not my life. I needed to make my own choices.

My adoptive brother Cam was there too. He was reserved, holding back not only his disappointment and anger at me, but his pride. 2 weeks ago changed everything.

My phone rang from my nightstand. It was Ethan. I sighed before answering.


"Is this a good time? Can I come over so we can talk?" he asked.


I hung up the phone and waited 20 minutes before I heard knocking at the front door of my best friend's and roommate Rocky's house. I let him in, trying hard to ignore the way his eyes roamed over me in my dress and cardigan. He hardly ever saw me in anything other than my scrubs, casual clothes or nothing at all. I shake those thoughts away and lead him to my room.

"So what's up?" I asked, facing him.

"Congratulations." he said simply, handing me an envelope.

"Thank you. You didn't have to do this."

"I didn't. EJ did."

I watched him as he ran his hand through his hair. I went to open it but he stopped me.

"Can we talk first?"

When I nodded, he led us to my couch.

"I'm sorry about everything that happened with your brother." He began as soon as we sat down.

I cut him off. "It wasn't your fault. Don't worry about my brother."

"Ok," he continued, "Well I guess I just wanted to tell you that I know everything between us has been...."

"Completely fucked up?" I supplied, sarcastically. A smirk appeared on his lips.

"A little," He admitted. " but regardless of all that, it's been...amazing"

I knew the shock was evident on my face, but I recovered quickly. "You're not so bad yourself." I grinned, winking dramatically.

He chuckled. "First of all, that wink was really creepy." I laughed at that. "Second, I'm not talking about the sex. Well, not only the sex." He clarified.

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