Track 26: The Gambler

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Jake called me when they arrived in Vegas on Thursday. I told him to live it up and enjoy his time without me. He responded by saying he was counting down the seconds until I got there. Judging by the pictures posted on social media, he wasn't desperately awaiting my arrival as he claimed. I was glad Jake was having fun, but I couldn't wait to join in. I already had a plan to ensure no drama, fights, or misunderstandings. I planned to be the perfect girlfriend for Jake. I was going to stick by his side, cater to him and show him he had no reason to ever doubt my loyalty or feelings for him. I hoped showing him he would never have to fear me cheating would help with his trust issues. I didn't mind working with him and his trust now that I knew what the issue was.

My plan also erased the uncomfortable feeling about being around everyone. Once they saw how good we were together, they would get over whatever misconceptions they had about me. As long as they saw we were in a committed relationship, that's what mattered to me.

I ducked out of the clinic as soon as my last appointment was over. I didn't even bring my work bag so I would have no reason to pass Sandra's office. I left with my patient and rushed home. I took a 5-minute shower and changed into ripped jeans, a white tank, and a cardigan. While I waited for an Uber, I double-checked to make sure I had everything I needed in my 3 bags. I had a rolling luggage bag, a matching carry-on bag, and a clutch purse for my keys and wallet. I wasn't checking in any bags to save time and money. When the car arrived, I threw my things in the trunk and hopped in. We barely beat the traffic on the way to the airport. I thanked the driver and tipped him before heading inside. About an hour later, I made it through boarding and security and was seated. I pulled out my phone and saw I had missed calls from Jasmine and Jake. I called Jake back first.

"Hey, Cariño. Did you get off on time?" Jake questioned.

"I did. I'm at the airport right now." I replied.

"Give Jasmine a call. They should be there soon." he requested.

"She's my next call babe."

"Ok. Call me before you board."

"Will do."

After I got off the phone, I called Jasmine. She informed me they were waiting for the TSA check. I told her where she could find me. 15 minutes later, they joined me. After we said hello, we headed to a bar. I requested wine. I wanted to sleep on the plane ride so I would be well-rested for the night. When Reggie left to retrieve our drinks, Jasmine turned to me.

"So you and Jake ok?" She asked.

"Yeah, no thanks to you. What did you tell him? He thought I didn't want to come." I narrowed my eyes at her.

"I stretched the truth a little and said you were debating coming. Only because he thought y'all were cool." Jasmine replied.

"We were. Everyone else was making a big deal of it." I countered.

"Lily, we couldn't even talk about it without you looking ready to cry. I love y'all together. I love my brother, but don't be afraid to call him out on his bullshit. You don't deserve to pay for what that bitch put him through." Jasmine finished before Reggie came back.

I drank two glasses of wine before I settled my bill and we headed back to wait for the plane. I called Jake as we were boarding and told him I would call again once we arrived. By the time the plane was ascending, I was knocked out.

I slept through the majority of our flight. Vegas was two hours behind our time, so it was still early in the evening when we arrived. I tried to call Jake, but he didn't answer. I sent him a text while we waited to get off the plane.

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