Track 24: Clarity

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The next day at work, I received an email invitation to Derek, Christy, and Steven's Bon Voyage party at a seafood restaurant called Pappadeaux. A private room was rented and everyone was allowed a plus one. I immediately forwarded it to Jake.

I made the subject: 'Wanna be my plus one?"

He didn't respond by lunch nor by the time I got off. I understood him being busy and not having time to answer right away, but this was a new trend for him: taking longer and longer to respond to me. I wasn't liking it very much.

After I got off work, I headed to Rocky's house. Rocky brought me all of my things from Labor Day from her house except for the heels Jake bought me. She didn't know I left them in the guest room. I wanted them so I could be a pro at walking in them by Vegas while wearing something tight and revealing for Jake.

I groaned when I saw Ethan's truck in the front. A part of me wanted to keep driving, but I had to face the music sooner or later. Might as well get it over with. I took a deep breath as I knocked on the door. Brandon answered. He gave me a look I couldn't decipher.

"Hey. Is Rocky home?" I asked.

"Nope. Working late." Brandon answered.

"Ok. I just need the shoes I left over here the other night." He didn't say anything, he just let me pass.

I walked through and headed straight to the guest room. I grabbed my shoebox. Technically, I coulda grabbed them and ran out, but that would be even more awkward the next time I saw Ethan, and I wanted to say hi to EJ. So I headed to the living room.

"Hey Ethan, Hey EJ!" I said, smiling at both of them.

"Hey Lily." EJ said.

"Hey." Ethan greeted me.

"How's school going? Did you have homework?" I asked EJ.

He made a face. "Yes. Word problems. I hate math."

"The more you do them the easier it gets." I said.

He scowled. "My dad and my teacher said that already."

"Because it's true. Keep practicing." I said, ruffling his hair. I looked over at Ethan. "Can I borrow you for a second?" I asked.

"Sure." Ethan said, standing. Brandon just shook his head. Urgh, I was over his attitude.

"Bye EJ. Bye Brandon!" I said, cheerfully, like I was so excited to be leaving Brandon's presence- because I was!

"I just wanted to apologize for the drama on Labor Day. I wasn't expecting any of that to happen." I said as we walked to my car.

"That's ok. It wasn't your fault." Ethan said.

"It was. Partially at least. Mostly Crown Royal's fault, but I can't blame alcohol for everything." I said, lightly.

"I think Rocky can." Ethan said.

"Yeah, most definitely." I replied

"So what are you taking the blame for?" Ethan asked.

I took a moment to think about how I wanted to answer that.

"Mostly for the whole way I handled everything. Our friendship and my relationship with Jake. If I would have been more careful about it, I could have them both." I explained, remorsefully.

"What does that mean?" Ethan asked, staring into my eyes. I stared right back.

"It means that right now, I have to focus on my relationship with Jake and that means taking a step away from this friendship we've been honing in on." I answered.

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