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Nobody's POV

Jack opens the door nice and wide allowing Corbyn and the helpers along with Carl to walk in and set Corbyn's things down on the empty side. 

"Have fun." Carl grunts out to Jack, still upset about the drive over here. He hands keys to the dorm house and Corbyn's new room to Corbyn. 

Corbyn rolls his eyes before smirking and letting out a snort of laughter. Carl was going to be pissed when he couldn't find the keys to the truck. Carl and the helpers leaving then, shutting the door behind them. 

"I have to go, I have a Math test to get to." Jack says, still glaring at Corbyn as he walked to the connected bathroom. 

Corbyn shrugs his shoulders. "Yeah whatever." He says, looking at his stuff and thinking about how he wanted to organize it. 

Corbyn breaking into a grin when he hears the click of the bathroom door. He walks over to Jack's backpack that was hanging over his desk chair and slipped the truck keys inside. Now when Carl came to him demanding the keys back, he truly wouldn't have them. 

Corbyn walks back over to his side of the room and begins to unpack boxes long before Jack finally comes out of the bathroom. He grabs his backpack and keys to his room before leaving. Corbyn continues to unpack and decorate/put away things on his side. 

Not even stopping when he hears loud pounding on his door. Carl shouting at him from behind the door. 

"I know you are still there!" 

"Open this door!" 

"Just give me the keys!" 

Corbyn smiles, shaking his head as he goes on his business, ignoring Carl until he gives up... about ten minutes later. It doesn't take long after that for Corbyn to be done. He jumps onto his bed and places his hands behind his head. Hmm, what to do? 

His eyes finding his phone that was on his desk, an idea crossing his mind. Oh that's good, the perfect way to break in the new dorm room and annoy the living fuck out of Jack. He leans up and picks up his phone, going to his profile on the university page.

Party at my place! Alison 341

For extra measure Corbyn also post it on his twitter. He gets up and changes clothes, now a black leather jacket on along with skinny white jeans and an red shirt. He looked fucking good and he knew it. He also knew a lot of people were about to be making their way over. People knew as much as they shouldn't interact with Corbyn, they were still drawn to him like moths to flames. He was going to need more space. 

Corbyn smirks as he steps out of his dorm room and knocks on the one across from him. A brown haired male opening the door. 

"Hey Baby." Corbyn says, lowering his voice, a charming smile on his face. 

The male unable to stop the blush from coming onto his face. "Hi..."

"So I am going to have a party," Corbyn starts, lifting his hand up and allowing it to stroke the male's hair, "is it okay if we use your room as well?" 

The male was hopeless to say no, and so Corbyn went to every dorm room that was in his hallway and repeated the process. Some of them even already knowing about the party and down. It only took a little flirting and he had them all wrapped around his finger. The whole hallway agreeing and leaving their doors open, so people could filter through them. 

"My man!" Jonah and Daniel cried out, of course being the first ones there. 

"Sweet you made it!" Corbyn cheers. 

"No way are we going to miss this, we brought booze!" Daniel says, holding up a brown paper bag, making Corbyn smirk. 

Not even ten minutes later the party was in full swing. At least fifty or more people there and counting. A girl that lived in a room down the hall had a huge speaker, which was hooked up and now in the center of the hallway, playing  music for everyone. People taking the liberty to bring their own beer or wine or whatever the fuck they wanted as well, so everyone was partying and having a great time. 

Corbyn was in his room with Daniel and Jonah and about ten other people that could fit, dancing and doing fireball shots. The hallway smelled heavily of beer and most of the students were already hammered. Corbyn himself sporting a nice buzz. 

"Oooh, someone wants your attention." Jonah cries out, slapping Corbyn's shoulder and pointing to a girl that was in the hallway, making her way into his room. She was dancing to whatever dirty high beat song was playing and giving Corbyn the eyes. 

Corbyn smile and shove the dude that was in his lap off. It was time for some new blood. Corbyn meeting the chick in the middle of the room and she begins grinding her fat ass on him. Corbyn grins and happily grinds back. 

Right when their lips were about to connect a male voice screamed over the loud music, sounding furious. 


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