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Nobody's POV:-
Jack didn't see Corbyn the rest of the day or even the next few days. It's like he had disappeared into thin air. He didn't come back to their room anymore, probably staying with Daniel or Jonah and the curly haired boy never saw him either in the library or any other place, about to raid something which was funny because usually Corbyn always did those things in front of him.

It was exactly a week later when he was, as usual sitting in front of his desk going through a Maths equation when the door opened and Jack looked up to see a tired Corbyn walk into the room. He collapsed on the bed, looking like he was about to sleep but Jack didn't want that to happen. Not just yet at least, so he got up and headed towards the older boys bed.

"Where the hell have you been?", he demanded as he reached the foot of the bed.

Corbyn sighed and opened one of his eyes a little and squinted at Jack then lay back down, closing his eyes.

"I asked you a question, asshole", Jack said glaring at Corbyn's sleepy form.

"What the hell do you want Jack?", Corbyn said sitting up and rolling his eyes at the boy. He looked terrible. Like he hadn't slept in days. Jack's heart clenched as Corbyn called him by his actual name. He never called him "Jack" always "Sweetheart, darling, Jacky, Baby boy" or any other stupid nickname the older brunette came up with.

"Okay. First you leave without saying anything then you have the audacity to come into our room and completely ignore me", Jack said crossing his arms.

"I'm not ignoring you", Corbyn mumbled. "I'm just really tired".

Jack sighed and looked at the exhausted boy in front of him.

"What's there to talk about?", Corbyn said finally looking at him and his eyes held so much anger. "You went behind my back and still asked Frost for help even after I said No".

"Okay. First of all, you don't control my life. I can do whatever I want. Second, at least he was willing to help me study unlike you", Jack bit back.

"He was trying to get into your pants Jack. He's a natural flirt. He would do anything to get what he wants ", Corbyn said clenching his fists together. He looked like he was ready to explode but he clenched his fists and avoided eye contact with Jack at all cost.

"And you're not?", Jack asked, his arms still crossed.

"What?", Corbyn asked surprised, the anger leaving him a little.

"You're a flirt too Corbyn", Jack stated, rolling his eyes.

"I am", Corbyn agreed. "But I don't use it to get into people's pants".

"That doesn't justify anything", Jack said. "You still use it to your benefit".

"I know", Corbyn mumbled. "I'm sorry".

"What?", Jack asked this time being the surprised one.

"I'm sorry", Corbyn repeated. "I've been trying to improve myself but it's not as easy as you might think".

Jack smiled, feeling a sudden warmth in his stomach. Corbyn was trying to change. To become better.

"I know", he said softly. "But I'll help you".

"Okay", Corbyn mumbled.

"Now get some sleep", Jack said smiling at Corbyn. "You do have to help me with Maths when you wake up".

Corbyn chuckled and looked at Jack.

"Sure thing", he said before lying down again. Before his eyes closed, he wondered about something. Had he actually fallen for the innocent boy in front of him? The one who he strictly only used to flirt with. Oh boy, he was on trouble.

Jarbyn with Zaniel and JebenWhere stories live. Discover now