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Nobody's POV:-
Jack exited the classroom after his class and headed straight back to his room. He just wanted to collapse on his bed and go to sleep. What with stressing about Corbyn moving in today as well as the wretched Maths test, he had barely slept last night so today he wanted to make up most of it. Even though it was just 8 O'Clock, he was absolutely wrecked and was just thinking about his bed right now.

He let out a quick sigh as he neared his room. He would soon be in his bed, fast asleep. No need to worry about that asshole Corbyn until tomorrow morning.

As he reached the door to his room he stopped short as his hand hovered over the doorhandle, hearing voices from inside. What the hell was going on?

Then his eyes widened as realization hit him. That ASSHOLE!, he thought fuming. He threw open the door storming inside as he searched for his target.

"CORBYN!", he shouted finally spotting the older boy grinding against a girl. They were about to kiss as they approached him. The girl had her hands all over Corbyn. Slut, is all Jack thought before he turned towards Corbyn glaring at him.

"What the hell is this Corbyn?!", he asked, grinding his teeth as he continued glaring at the other brunette.

"Just a little something to lighten up your mood, baby boy", Corbyn said smirking at Jack before moving closer.

"Listen here, Asshole", Jack said crossing his arms as he took a step backwards. "I'm not one of your boy toys so this...flirting doesn't affect me. And who the hell gave you permission to hold a party in our room".

"Like you said, our room. It's mine too so I can do whatever I want", Corbyn said still smirking as he crossed his arms as well, mirroring the movement of the boy in front of him.

"Not without my consent you can't", Jack said rolling his eyes.

"Where does it say that?", Corbyn asked chuckling.

"In the campus manual", Jack said, rolling his eyes again. "If you'd bothered to read it, you would know".

"Whatever", Corbyn said, rolling his eyes too but kept his smirk visible.

"Listen here you...", Jack started angrily but was stopped by a voice from behind.

"Is the problem here?", the Dean's voice spoke and Jack froze in his place.

Everyone who had stopped to watch Corbyn's and Jack's bicker slowly began moving towards the door.

"No Ma'am", Corbyn said smiling at Mrs.Brown. "We were just having a little fun".

"Well, it's a school night. So I suggest you all get back to your rooms", the Dean said voice hard.

"Now", she said harshly when no one budged, just staring at her.

Everyone quickly began scrambling out of the room and to their respective rooms, leaving Corbyn and Jack the only ones in the room with Mrs.Brown.

"Boys. Next time be careful", Mrs.Brown said before she turned to Jack.

"Mr.Avery. May I speak to you?", she asked.

Before Jack could respond, Corbyn stepped forward to say something, clearly knowing he screwed up bad but Mrs.Brown didn't let him.

"Privately", she spoke slowly, glaring at him. Corbyn just held up his hands, shrugging.

Jack nodded and followed her out of the room.

"Mr.Avery", Mrs.Brown said as soon as they were out of hearing of his room. "I know I told you to help him mend his ways but I also need you to tell me when he's causing trouble".

"But I just found out, Mrs.Brown", Jack argued.

"I understand that. But you can't just take matters into your own hands like that. It may lead to serious consequences in your case. You need to be careful", Mrs.Brown said putting a hand on Jack's shoulder. Jack nodded.

"I understand, Mrs.Brown", he said confidently. "I'll try better next time".

"Good", Mrs.Brown said smiling. "You can go to bed now. It looks like you haven't slept in days".

"Are you going to punish Corbyn?", Jack blurted out. The question had been lingering in his mind ever since the head had called him out alone.

"Not yet", Mrs.Brown said laughing. "Remember we're trying to improve his behavior and I think taking measures like that will only motivate his bad side".

"Got it", Jack said nodding. "Well then, Goodnight".

"Goodnight Jack", Mrs.Brown said smiling at him before turning around and heading back to her office.

Jack sighed and headed back to his own room. As he entered, he saw Corbyn lying on his own bed, face plant on the mattress. He rolled his eyes, heading to his own mattress and collapsing on the bed, shutting his eyes. He was asleep a few seconds later, completely exhausted from the rough day.

A/N:- Chapter 7. I hope you like it. And Thank you for reading. Have a good day or night and Stay Blessed 😃💙. Love you guys :).

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