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Nobody's POV:-
It's been a week since Corbyn had started teaching Jack and Jack had admittedly gotten quite good at the subject still not as good as Corbyn who knew the formulas and tables like the back of his hand but he was getting there. He actually looked forward to study sessions now because Corbyn was a way better teacher than Frost ever was. He never did actually touch him inappropriately like Frost used to do occasionally which scared the crap out of Jack. He was gentle and patient with Jack and that lead to Jack thinking that maybe he had finally cracked the older out of his hard nut shell. The bad boy becoming a complete and total softie with him.

Corbyn on the other hand felt frustrated with every study session because he always seemed to get a little distracted by how the younger boy always bit his lip every time he was concentrating and it always lead to Corbyn wondering how those ample beautiful lips tasted and how it feel to kiss them. Absolutely fucking amazing, he always thought and would chuckle at his own answer.

Their study sessions slowly started to increase over the next few weeks and Corbyn began helping Jack with Maths every free time he got. He suddenly stopped raiding everything altogether. He would say that it was because he was busy but everyone knew it was really because he was trying to impress a certain curly haired boy. Sometimes though Jonah and Daniel would snort at his lame rejection but they did absolutely feel proud of their best friend. Speaking of best friends Zach and Daniel had started going out only a week after meeting each other and Corbyn thought, lucky bastards. He wish he could have the same with Jack but he had to improve himself first.

"That's was amazing Jack. You did so good", Corbyn said one day as they were studying together before he leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss against Jack's cheek.

"Good Job", he murmured against the brown eyed boy's skin.

"T-Thanks", Jack answered, blushing furiously.

That's another thing that started happening, After every study session whenever Jack did a good job, Corbyn would always kiss his cheek, leaving the brunette a blushing mess. Corbyn and Jack also began hanging out after every study sessions. They started with small talks and soon Corbyn learned that Jack was the only male sibling in his family. He also had three siblings, all girls of course and two of them were younger than him while one was only like three four years older than him. He also learned that Jack's favorite color was blue, his birthday was July 1st and he used to have a huge crush on Selena Gomez until he realized he was gay, along with other things that Corbyn was surprised he remembered because usually he didn't remember these kinds of things, not that his memory was bad, it was actually pretty good, he just didn't care about the other person enough to remember teeny tiny details about them.

Jack, on the other hand learned that Corbyn was the oldest sibling in his family followed by a boy and a girl. He also learned that Corbyn's favorite color was Purple, his birthday was November 25th and he had a huge love for space.

At the end of the day, it was safe to say that Corbyn and Jack had grown quite fond of each other. Of Course, Jack had also noticed Corbyn's change in behavior and how he always acted tough around other people but was always a softie whenever it came to Jack. The two boys were slowly falling for each other more and more day by day but who would be the first one to make a move? That was the real question.

A/N:- Hi guys. Another chapter. I hope you guys liked it. And Thank you for reading. Have a good day or night and Stay Blessed 😃💛. Love you guys :).

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