Chapter 8

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" I know that it hurts your pride but you thought the grass was greener on the other side."

Chas POV.

My life has been really great. After I left Trey I moved my son Chad & I across the country. He's 4 years old now and I love this little boy too pieces.

As time went on for the both of us, I started to feel bad about taking him away from his dad. It's wrong and childish of me & I don't want Chad to hate me for taking him away from his dad.

In all honesty I miss my old life, I plan to go back home today and stay with my parents for a week until I find a house.

I'm doing pretty good financially, I branched off my clothing store in different cities & I'm proud of myself.

I want Chad & Trey to meet, but I know everybody down there pretty much hates me, especially how I just picked up and left.

The only people who knew where I was, were my parents and I begged them not to say anything. I'll face Trey and everybody else when I'm ready.

Every time I look at Chad, I want to cry. He reminds me of Trey so much it hurts. I'll be lying if I said I don't still love Trey. When I left I cried almost a whole year.

I really love Trey, but I just needed to get myself together. I'm finally in a safe place with myself. Over the years I found it in my heart to accept Shyla as a baby.

Trey was right, material things aren't priorities. I now understand what he's saying & why he changed so much. I've changed because of Chad & I'm happy he came into my life.

" Mommy are you ready." Chad asked.

" Yeah, let's go baby." I told him as I smiled. He tried to lift the both of our bags to carry to the car. I chuckled at him and took the bags from him.

" Bye Chad." My friend Nathan said.

" Bye Nate." Chas said waving. I walked up to Nate and kissed him on the lips.

" Bye Nathan." I said.

" Bye Chas, call me please." He sighed. Nathan was a guy I was dating, but after I told him I'm moving back to Atlanta we broke up.

He's a sweetheart and a gentlement. Chad looks up to him and respects him. I'm thankful for Nathan cause I don't think I could have raised Chad by myself.

After we said our goodbyes we left the house and headed to the airport.


When we got to Atlanta, my parents met us at the airport. As soon as Chad seen them he raced to his grandparents.

" Grandma." He said as he hugged her. I smiled at them and walked towards my dad.

" Hi daddy." I said.

" Hey baby girl, how have you been." He asked.

" I've been good, glad to be back home." I said.

" We're glad you're home too Chas." My mom said. I smiled at her and took Chad. He got in the back seat and I got in after him, strapping the both of us up.

The entire ride to the house, my mom and dad talked to Chad. Meanwhile I kept looking out of the window as we rode pass stores and houses. I haven't been gone that long, but everything looks different to me.

I'm happy to be at home, I missed Atlanta so much. I want Chad to grow up where I grew up even though he's not from here.

My dad stopped to the store to grab some snacks for us. Chad cried to use the bathroom so I took him inside. As we were walking to the bathroom Scooter & Aniya came our direction.

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