" You ain't gone respect me no no no till I'm not there."
AMorah POV.
As soon as I was about to go inside of the shower, my phone began to ring. I walked over to the nightstand and picked it up quickly.
" Hey beautiful." A voice said.
" Who is this." I said annoyed.
" It's Austin." He said. I smiled a little and sat on the bed.
" Hey." I said.
" You alright." He asked.
" Nah I'm kind of sad about something." I told him truthfully.
" Get dressed." He said.
" To go where." I asked.
" Meet me at bones restaurant." He said
" I don't know Austin." I said nervously.
" Come on, please." He begged.
" Is this a date." I chuckled.
" You can say that." He laughed.
" Alright, I'll text you when I'm out of the house. " I smiled. He said okay & I hanged up the phone. I walked into the closet and searched for a dress, I haven't worn yet. After I placed it on the bed, I hopped inside of the shower.
Dre's still in the room probably thinking but I don't give a fuck about what he does. He hurt me once more, like how could he. I do everything for this man & he fucks me over more than twice. He don't appreciate me & it's clear. Someone else will soon.
I hopped out of the shower and brushed my teeth then I walked out of the bathroom to fix my hair. I've decided to wear my hair down & curled it up. When I was done with my hair, I walked over to the bed and placed on my dress.
After I placed on my dress I lotioned up my legs and arms then put on my heels. I got up and walked over to the dresser and placed on my rolex and fixed my makeup. When I was done I admired myself in the mirror and then gathered my stuff.
I walked out of the room & Dre was coming out the same time. He looked up at me and lifted his eyebrow, but I ignored his stupid ass and began to walk down the steps but he pulled me.
Picture of Princess Outfit at the ToP.
" Where you going." He asked.
" Out." I said.
" Dress like that." He asked.
" How am I dressed." I asked.
" Like you going on a date." He said.
" I don't know just might." I said shrugging.
" Yeah, & I swear to God Imma kill you." He said seriously.
" So it's fine for you to do whatever the fuck you want & I can't. The world dont revolve around your dumb ass & let me the fuck go before you make me late." I said angry.
" Watch your mouth Princess, & if I hear any shit tonight. We going to have problems." He said as he released my hands.
" Don't act like we don't have them already." I said as I flipped my hair over my shoulders and began to walk down the steps.
I texted Austin and told him I was on my way as I got inside of my car. When I started my car I took off on the main road and began to drive in silence until my phone ranged. It was Addison, so I picked up quickly.
" Hey addi." I said.
" It's me mommy." Draya mumbled.
" Whats wrong baby." I asked her.

Unforgivable Lies ( Sequel)
Genel KurguSome of the chapters are private so press follow. Sequel to broken promises. To show somebody tough love today will save them a heartache in the future but may cause a small amount of upset for the reciever immediately after the "Tough Love" has b...